Kottis's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • All the ones I have tried did have blurring, including the one with Mega Man in it which I think you made? (Correct me if I'm wrong, I've looked at too many forum posts over the last few days.)

    If the methods are only effective on some graphics cards, I wouldn't really define that as "working"...also, MMF manages to resize without blurring, so apparently it is possible for the app to override driver settings, if that is the problem. (MMF doesn't handle the window resizing any differently however.)

    I don't have any caps to show, because I am not going to start a project before I am sure these basic options are in place. I need to know that my poor 16 pixels tall sprites can be resized without becoming a blurry mess.

  • I have played around with Construct for just under 2 days now, but most of that time has been spent reading forum posts about how to get non-blurry pixel resizing and keeping aspect ratio in fullscreen. I realize that this has been asked before, but I have yet to find definitive answers to the following questions:

    1. Is there any way to keep pixels nice and sharp when resizing the window (2x, for example)?

    I have looked at a few examples on how to do this, but none have worked as advertised on my computer.

    2. Can you make a, say, 320x240 game that will maintain its 4:3 aspect ratio when resized to fullscreen on a 16:9 or 16:10 monitor (adding black bars when necessary)? Or vice versa?

    3. Assuming there isn't any satisfactory way of doing this yet, are there any plans of implementing some sort of solution?

    I really would like to make the switch from MMF to Construct but so far it just seems less friendly towards low-res pixel art...am I wrong? (I hope so!)

  • Ok, that sounds good, thanks! The movement isn't complicated at all, it just has to be pixel perfect, so one of the built in ones should probably do the job. I just have to overcome the violent urges that MMF has instilled in me (and others, I'm sure) when hearing the words "Built in movement".

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  • I am currently making a game in MMF2, but I am considering porting it over to Construct. Construct just seems...better, I guess, and hopefully is less riddled with the innumerable "quirks" of MMF.

    So, I was checking out the Wiki, and came across the "Time Delta" entry. I would certainly like for my game to not have graphic tears and skips and so forth and so on (also I would like to use the Time Scaling feature), but the last paragraph had me a bit worried because my game is a so-called "low-resolution pixel-drawn retro game" which needs pixel-perfect collisions. It will have some pretty fast scrolling going on as well (think Canabalt for reference).

    Does this mean that I have to choose between pixel-perfect collisions and reduced display quality? Are there any settings or coding practices that are more suited to "retro pixel" stuff? Is there any way of using Time Delta and mantaining pixel-perfect collisions?

    Sorry if that's a lot all at once, I'm just struggling to wrap my head around this...

  • 4 posts