KonkorFour's Forum Posts

  • 13 posts
  • I created a basic Arcade game, whilst I learn Construct 2. Now I've gotten to a point I really like but I wanted to add Rooms/Multiplayer using Clay.IO plugin. I've added a button that when clicked does "Show Rooms List" but I'm unable to change the room name, if I create a room it's called "New Room" and it's not available to anyone else.

    Is there any documents or tutorials on this?

  • Oh sweet, I don't suppose you could point me in that direction?

  • I've made 2 small games with Construct 2, nothing great or insane but I'd like to see what else I can do. I have an idea for a browser based game that I've wanted to do for a while now but I'm trying to find an engine that is capable of it. So I'd like to find out if Construct 2 can do the following:

    • Connect to a MySQL Database?
    • Use $_GET[] Functions to see if user is logged in on the website?
    • Display PHP variables?
    • Display MySQL Data on Textboxes?

    I want the game to be open to anyone to play but also save data for registered users, nothing major, just things like a score, currency, username, avatar.

  • Hi, I've created a button that when clicked Restarts the Layout & Global Variables, my game how ever requires you to press Spacebar to start it. When you press Retry it restarts the layout but the keyboard seems to be locked?

  • Hi, I was wondering if there's a way to set the width to 100% of the screen? Currently it fits the height but the width is limited and I have huge black bars at the sides. Is this something that can be fixed? If so how? I've tried to search but haven't found anything.

  • I only have the free version at the moment but I'm looking to upgrade and pay for the highest version, the only thing is I have a question...

    What hosting site do people use for their Facebook apps? I can't seem to find one that hosts HTTPS.

  • I'm not sure how I'd go about this, but I'd like it so when the player presses Space it brings up 3 text objects, so I'd assume I'd do something like if

    Keyboard>Space>Pressed | Text Object>Show/Visible?

    But I'd like it so the top object is highlighted and the user can scroll up/down with their mouse and then press RMB to select that object.

    For example:

    Turret (Purchase Turret)

    Barricade (Purchase Barricade)

    Back (Hide/Close menu)

    I'd also like it so when they purchase an item it replaces the mouse cursor so that when they press RMB again it places the object down in-game. I'd guess I spawn the object at where the mouse is, the only problem I'm having is changing the cursor from my custom cross-hair which disappears if I replace it.

  • Thanks for the tips, I'll look into the pick nearest and see if that works.

  • I've been practicing with a top down shooter, so far I've made something I like and my friends are finding it quite hard (that's the idea).

    Every 15 kills I'm giving the player 1 piece of in-game cash and the idea is that once they have 25 cash they can purchase either a turret or a wall.

    I followed a turret guide but it was aimed at a turret vs player. I'd like it to shoot the nearest sprite, but there will be more than one. I've tried looking on Google but I can't seem to find what I am looking for so I'm wondering if anyone knows of a tutorial or a way to do this?

    I'd also like help with the wall, I'm planning on having a straight line for the wall that a player can place down. But I can't figure out how to rotate an object 90 degress and have it snap to a grid and be placed?

  • I wasn't sure where to put this but I started to work with Construct 2 a few days ago and I've built an okay game. I saw in the html I can't remove the text in the footer but I was wondering if I'm allowed to edit the look of the page? Black to white, box shadow, etc.

  • Well, I have 2 sprites one for my player and one for the enemy. The player has the scroll to, bound to layout and 8-direction behaviours and the enemy has only bullet.

    (I have a mouse object in the game)

    I created an event like this:

    System>Every Tick>

    Player set angle toward Mouse.X, Mouse.Y

    Enemy set angle toward Player.X, Player.Y

    Now this does what I want, the bullets go to where I click and destroy if they go outside and stuff but it's the player/enemies. Instead of them looking with their front they are looking with their left sides. I'm not sure why it's doing this but I guess an easy solution is to just rotate the images I have.

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  • I completed the guide earlier on and I wanted to recreate it again but without using the guide, I've done everything like it said to and I've gone through it 3 times now and I can't seem to find what I've done wrong but I created a custom sprite for the player and it's identical in shape to the one supplied. My problem is that when I left click to spawn a bullet instead of going forward it goes left...

    I did make a mistake of adding an 8-Direction to the bullets but other than that I have remembered everything the guide said to do, does anyone have an idea why this is happening?

    I'd just like to have the player facing the mouse but being able to move with 8-Direction.

  • I downloaded Construct 2 from Steam a day ago and so far I've gotten the hang of the basics. I'm messing around with a simple puzzle game where you move a small cube into a green zone. When it reaches the green zone I'd like to change to the next level, question is how do I?

    I'm assuming a "level" is the layout, correct? I've had a wander around the interface but I can't seem to figure out how I set it so when my Sprite goes into the zone sprite it switches... Which brings me to my second question, I placed the Green square sprite last which is where the player needs to get to, since I placed it last it's the top layer how can I change this?

    Thank you for the help. :)

  • 13 posts