Komdour's Forum Posts

  • I am working on a chess game. Since I still can't do much, I'm not even trying to incorperate an ai. But I would like the game to show you where you can move your pices and where you can't, otherwise it would just be a click and drag visualization of a chess board. To do this I need it to reconize a grid. So far the only grid feature I've been able to find is the one in the layout that helps you position things. As far as I can tell, there is no way to reference to it in the events.

    If you don't want to read my possible solutions skip down to "What I'm getting to..."

    My idea that I think will work is very tedios. It would consist of lableing each square a1, a2, a3, etc. And using a position -> possible moves statement for each. Like, if blackpawn1 is overlaping b1 -> highlight c1, d1 and allow movement to them (I know I'm not speaking in event speach) or here's a whoper if white queen is on h4 and g5 is open -> highlight g5, f6, e7, d8. This can be done, but each sqare would need an event for each character (64 x 32). And then each sqare would need a seperate event for an instance when one of the spaces a character can move to is blocked (x number of squares a piece may move at maximum from a givien square). This means that any given square will have at least 2305 events. (2304 + 1 [1 is the minimum variations for the pawn]) I'm not sure its worth hand writing all those events for each square.

    My second idea is to try and track the positions through private variables. This would include labling the board 11, 12, 13, etc (first digit being row, second digit columb) and then defining the character's position. Then telling the game that a pawn can only move in increments of 10 (up one row or down one row) But then for pices like the rook I don't know how to make it move side to side. Telling it it can move infanantly in increments of 1 would give it free roam of the board (and off the board) Even if I could figure out how to set a maximum number to a variable while keeping it locked in its increment. I know I can do Variable x = higher than max => lower by x. But x would be a different number for each piece, and for each edge sqare (32 x 32 = 1024 events just telling how to stay on board)

    What I'm getting to is how can I say x piece moves x spaces in x directions without going off?

    In less than 1000 events =P

  • Is there any way to have a random number between say 10 and 20? (for dammage calcs, and stuf)

    Is there a way to randomly generate a topdown shooter level? (and a way to get ai to work with it)

    Is there a way to reandomly generate a dungeon?

    And most important of all of my questions so far (because i want to try and do it first) is there a way to randomly generate a side view mountain/plain that is destructable?

    Off subject, how do you work .Ini handling for saves and such?

  • Thank you very much, I know I'm not realy the one to talk, but I might just try reiterating this thread into a sprite movement tutorial.

    I'm not going to post anything about the game I'm working on, but here is a demo of my movement system (thanks to linkman2004):


  • I'm sorry, does this go in the events, or in the tab that acctually says "animation speed"?

    I've tried both, but I'm not sure how to implement it as a condition and event, and when I try to put it in the animation box it just reverts to what ever the number it had there preveously.

    Do you have a cap? I'm more of a monkey see monkey do.

  • Thank you for your help. I have been working hard on a game, and its nice to have someone give me help to maximise the game play.

    One last question on charactor movement, is there a way that I can have the speed of vector.x determine the speed of the animation (for running). I know there must be an equasion for this, but I'm not sure how to implement it.

    Thanks for all the support. I hope to be proficent soon.

  • Yet another question from the amitious noob =P

    How does system => special conditions => OR work?

    I want to make it so that when the sprite is moving left or right, but the directionaly keys are not pressed he performs a sliding animation. How can I do this if I'm using the player[platform].vectorx condition to determine facing direction?

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  • Thank you. It works on your example, but I must be doing something wrong, cause it wont work for me. I have one more question whats going wrong in this cap, that it wont let me go to level 1?


  • Hey, I found this by pure chance and its just the type of thing I've been looking for.

    After messing with control, reading and doing tutorials, surfing the source forge documentary, and sifting though forums, I can't seem to figure out how to turn a platform sprite to the left without flipping it upside down.

    The things I've tried:

    Checking auto mirror

    On control press "move left" => Rotate sprite (and sprite animation) 180

    Messed with angles under the animation tab

    On control press "move left" => Create sprite L on image point 1

    Destroy sprite R

    Creating multiple animations

    And lots more, none seems to work right. I've been working with control for a few days, mainly just learning the loops. But this seems like its a fairly important thing to include. Deadeyes platform school was helpful, but the sprite in it didn't flip either. I'm running windows vista 64, with an nvidia geforce 6600 pixel shader 3.0 (I think, I know its at least 2.0)

    I thought it might be a compatibility issue, so I tested things around on a laptop running windows XP, and an Intel graphics card (not sure if it even has PS) and I still couldn't solve my problem. I suppose this post didn't need to be so big, but I figured it's better than having to clarify myself over and over.