KodeAndGame's Forum Posts

  • Sweet. Thanks for the update.

  • Ok here's what I got: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ado2pc0kbr5wv ... .capx?dl=0

    • Removed extraneous layout
    • Removed extraneous objects in problematic layout
    • MInimized interactivity needed. Platform behavior starts as disabled on start of layout. Press any key to enable Platform behavior. This will cause "Player" object to land on "Hazard" object which will restart layout (once again, disabling Platform behavior). I still require you to press a key just so that there's a "pause" at the beginning to see the effect of the last "death"
    • Tested in IE. About 80% of the time the second platform will be highlighted. I can't get it to reproduce 100% yet but honestly I'm pretty surprised I got it to reproduce this often. At first I was seeing it 1% of the time in one the layouts I was building. It was nagging me enough then but I'm thankful I was able to get a layout like this where I can reproduce it very consistently

    I hope that this is enough.

  • Ok. I should be able to do this. Will take a day or two.

  • Problem Description

    A collision is being falsely reported on start of layout when I immediately restart a layout due to a collision

    Attach a Capx

    Got a SQL error when attaching a capx. Here's a link to my capx: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8wgrs1vw3rko1 ... .capx?dl=0

    Description of Capx

    This capx gives you control of a "Player" object with Platform behavior. The "Player" can interact with 3 objects that have the "Solid" behavior:

    • Normal - Nothing special. Normal solid.
    • Hazard - A hazard that will cause the player to "die". As of right now, death simply results in an immediate restart of layout. I assume this is a perfectly reasonable way to handle a quick restart.
    • SolidTrigger - This solid will "light up" the first time it's touched. This happens to be an easy way to communicate a collision in this demo. There are two layouts. One that easily communicates the bug when you follow the reproduction steps and one that showcases normal interaction

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    Scenario A

    • Start with the "BUG - Prelit Platform" layout
    • Drop down the right side of the starting platform.
    • The player should land on a Hazard directly above the leftmost SolidTrigger (this SolidTrigger may light up)
    • The layout will immediately restart

    Scenario B

    • Start with the "BUG - Prelit Platform" layout
    • Run full speed to the right
    • The player should land on a Hazard directly above the second SolidTrigger from the left (this SolidTrigger may light up)
    • The layout will immediately restart

    Observed Result

    Scenario A - The second SolidTrigger from the left starts as lit when the layout restarts

    Scenario B - The leftmost SolidTrigger starts as lit when the layout restarts

    Expected Result

    I expect all the SolidTriggers to start as un-lit when a layout restarts.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: YES (Scenario B)
    • FireFox: YES (Scenario B)
    • Internet Explorer: YES (Scenario A & B)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 8.1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    r200 64-bit

  • Hey all. Sorry for the broad question but I can't seem to find a straight answer in my searches. How long is the approval process once you submit a Windows 8 app? Is there still hope to get published by Oct. 26?

  • Ugh, I uploaded the wrong Capx. My apologies. I'll update with correct capx shortly.

  • Capx


    Conditions tested on:

    Windows 7 Ultimate (latest)

    Chrome (latest)

    Radeon 7690M

    Repro Steps:

    Press S (to fall through) until you can't fall through a normal FT platform.

    The bug occurs very frequently but I don't know the exact reproduction conditions so it's possible to make it to the bottom w/o seeing the bug.

    Press ESC to restart layout in this instance.


    Given the provided Capx, it is possible to land on a floor yet C2 is saying that the Player is not the on the floor. I believe the action pictured below is the culprit as it doesn't occur when I disable that particular action. As such, I assume that the bug is occurring because the collision polygon disappears for an instant while the animation is changing.

    <img src="http://snag.gy/2lzUk.jpg" border="0">

  • Alright, I updated the following:

    Capx: dl.dropbox.com/u/5731948/JustLanded.capx

    Web Demo: dl.dropbox.com/u/5731948/JustLanded/index.html

    You may have to clear your cache to get the updated web demo (title should say "JustLanded" this time)

    Now it has the option to run a simulation. If you press the "1" key it will do 3 jumps and a slam with the right timing to cause the bug. Alternatively, if you press the "2" key it will do 3 jumps with no slam and will not trigger bug. Also, ESC restarts the layout. Previous controls still apply when not in simulation mode.

  • Maybe I can simulate inputs. Give me a couple hours.

  • Capx: dl.dropbox.com/u/5731948/JustLanded.capx

    Web Demo: dl.dropbox.com/u/5731948/JustLanded/index.html

    Video Example: youtu.be/0Zc2Ffkw6Eo

    Conditions tested on:

    Windows 7 Ultimate (latest)

    Chrome (latest)

    Radeon 7690M


    My game has a triple jump and a "ground pound" with the following controls:

    A = Left, D = Right, S = Ground pound, Space = Jump (up to 3x)

    On occasions where the platform is just in-reach for a triple jump, you can try a triple jump and then ground pound to land on the platform. If you do the pound low enough to the platform it doesn't reset the jump counter. The short video I made shows off better than I can explain.

  • Capx: dl.dropbox.com/u/5731948/EventsSearch.capx


    When I first start C2, I can't accurately find variables, using Events Search, that are inside of collapsed groups. If I leave everything expanded, and do a search, it works. Seemingly, it will then be in cache and work again even if I re-collapse the groups.

    Repro Steps:

    I have the following events in my Capx

    <img src="http://snag.gy/lmB80.jpg" border="0" />

    When the "Group" group is collapsed and I do a search for "test" as soon as C2 fires up and it doesn't show the "Group" group anymore:

    <img src="http://snag.gy/GivZl.jpg" border="0" />

    If I expand "Group" and try again I get the results I expect:

    <img src="http://snag.gy/50j8n.jpg" border="0" />

  • Capx: dl.dropbox.com/u/5731948/Bug-SolidPlatform.capx

    Demo: dl.dropbox.com/u/5731948/Bug-SolidPlatform/index.html

    I've created an ation to set gravity (even to the same value) upon a platformer landing. When platformer lands on a fall-thru everything seems to work fine. When platformer lands on a solid, sometimes it'll get stuck in some landing loop that can go on anywhere between 2 and 20 (or many more) reps.

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  • That bug was fixed! Thanks again.

  • Thanks so much! That was really quick :)

    Looking forward to r106

  • Capx: dl.dropbox.com/u/5731948/FallThruBug.capx

    Demo: dl.dropbox.com/u/5731948/FallThruBug/index.html

    Conditions tested on:

    Windows 7 Ultimate (latest)

    Chrome (latest)

    Radeon 7690M

    Also tested on several other systems/browsers with similar results but this is my main machine


    This bug is a bit tough to see if you're not sensitive to differences smaller than 5 frames and therefore that makes it a bit hard to explain. Nonetheless, in the demo provided, there are 3 columns of fall thru platforms (FT for short). For convenience, I've labeled the FTs in this screenshot

    <img src="http://snag.gy/pCcdr.jpg" border="0" />


    Ok, so when you actually land on an FT with another FT close above it (i.e. 2b and 2c), it usually takes at least 2-3 frames longer to land than it should. To test this you can idle at 2a for 2 seconds and then hit the down key to fall to 2b. Then try the same thing at 3a. It will take about 21 frames to drop from 2a and 22 frames to drop from 3a. These times are really close to eachother considering 3a-3b is nearly twice as far apart as 2a-2b. If you look closely, you can even see the Player hang for a bit above 2b (which doesn't happen above 3b).

    *NOTE: if you don't idle for 2 seconds at 2s, you might see the Player fall through as quickly as 19 frames. This is much closer to what I'd expect. Also, droping from 2b-2c can be as fast as 15 frames!

    You can test this furthermore by jumping from the floor to to 2b. It doesn't land immediately and you can notice a 2-3 frame "bounce" before Player lands. Whereas if you jump on 3b you notice no such bounce.

    This issue may seem trivial but it's very important for a twitch platformer of which I'm creating. Speed runs are differentiated by hundredths of seconds and each time this happens it adds another couple hundredths. And placing platforms close together is important to my design. Please, if nothing else, take this bug seriously for the amount of detail I've put into it.