Knovolt's Forum Posts

  • I have been told that containers are in the free version.

    example of grouping objects together using instance variables (r216)

    example of grouping using container

    Damn those light bulbs, been just messing about in preview mode for about 5 minutes before I realised I was there to learn XD

    Anyways thank you so much for the capx and those notes, helped soo much!

  • In the paid for version there are families - with these you could (for example) add your three squares into the family and the do things like family.x=family.x+10

    you could also give the squares an instance variable (eg ivGroup) and the choose the square by selecting by instance variable and then move all the selected

    you could pin objects to another and then when the other object moves so will your squares

    also look at containers (stil not sure if they are in free version)

    How I envy the premium version now

    Anyways how would you "choose the square by selecting by instance variable".

    Pin is a nice feature, but when I have objects that consists of like 3+objects (3+ squares for example), the event page becomes so repetitive, and thus I'm not sure that's the correct way to do it.

  • Google Chrome on Desktop has a 'Device Mode' to test different mobile resolutions. Hit F12 and in the window that comes up click on the second Icon from the left on the top of that window. Now you can choose different device resolutions.Hope that will help.

    More than helped! Thanks so much, learnt such a cool feature.

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  • Much like in other programs such as Photoshop, you can group together objects. Can you do the same in construct 2?

    For example, there are 3 squares. How would I combine/group the 3 squares together so that they become one object? I want this because it's a hassle writing events for all of the separate objects when I just want to set a new position etc.

    Thanks in advance.

  • I currently have an S6 with a 1440x2560 resolution. I use this to test my mobile game. What do you do to test if it works on other resolutions/aspect ratios?

    Also, is a 1080x1920 window too excessive for a mobile game? Albeit a text based game with very little use of sprites? I just got a feeling that sometimes my sprites are a bit too small when displaying on the mobile (S6).

    Thanks in advance.

  • Have you tried not updating the bars width until after you have adjusted the value?

    Is it because I have this on System>Every tick? If this is the problem, what do you suggest I change it to?

  • Following some exp/health bar guides, I have done so in which I determine the top bar's width by "(current/max)*bottom_bar.width"

    This GIF shows what my problem is, it doesn't capture it properly, but right at the end, it shows the green bar extending beyond. From the screenshot, you can see I tried to to set the counter1 to 100 when its value => than 100. The problem is that it goes beyond 100, thus the bar's width extends accordingly, then the value is set back to 100, and the bar shrinks accordingly. How do I fix this?

    Note: This happens very noticeably, and all the time, the gif just didn't capture the bar extend properly.

  • Bump - any ideas?

    *Edit. Found a solution. For future reference, use a site called "bitballoon" to upload your HTML5 folder to test your mobile game.

  • I have tried the Dropbox public link. I have tried the Quick tutorial. But both instances leaves me with a black background. None of my images are displayed, just a black background. (Although my background is black), so I'm not sure why nothing is appearing.

    I have no audio in the project. And when exporting to HTML5, all settings are left as defaults. Preview from within Construct 2 works, and displays everything fine. I'm trying to display a 1080,1920 project window onto my s6 device which is 1440x2560.

    Configuration settings are:

    default browser

    letterbox scale

    high quality scaling


    webgl On

    Linear Sampling

    Medium Downscaling

    Preload sounds Yes

    Clear background Yes

    What may be the case? Suggestions?

    Thank you.

  • 1) A collision check to detect mouse clicks over the button area

    2) Those are the stop positions for when the menu is supposed to not be able to scroll further up/down. So it depends on how long your menu is.

    3) All icons are in 1 image, mind that.

    4) one possibility: ...

    Thank you SO much! and korbaach too! Been stuck with this problem for a week to no avail and today I've done it. Learnt how to do it in the future too, (didn't just want to copy/paste without learning). Again, thanks all!

  • Just want to learn how this is accomplished.


    1) What is "MenuCheck" in the project files.

    2) How did they get the Y positions to come to -73, and 553?

    3) When I do the same, my sprites collapse on each other when it moves up/down. Whereas theirs keep their alignment. (I copy/pasted my sprites to make multiples of them, I assume this is what they did too? Otherwise, did they do something extra that I did not notice?).

    4) How can I apply this to "Touch". so instead of clicking the up+down buttons, the user can touch the screen and scroll, and still have the boundary set so the user will stop at the top and bottom.

    Thank you.

  • The destroy before you create makes so you can refresh the screen, and re-daw the list, without re-drawing it on top of the old list. So every time before you draw anything, you should first delete the old version.( re-draw = "refresh")

    I use Functions quite a bit. They are for re-drawing the list, and re-drawing some of the menu elements.

    I think Ashley describes functions the best:So basically you make a change to the array, you want to refresh the screen ,so the user can see it in the list.

    I've got an image-point on the top of my list, and an image-point on the top of the border. I did a Pick Overlap, and when my list overlaps the border's imagepointX and imagepointY, it will stop scrolling.

    But how do I only stop the user scrolling up or down, when a condition is met? For example they can't scroll in the negative (-) Y direction?

    In other words, how do I stop the user scrolling further up/down when "list" Y position = "border" Y position.

  • The destroy before you create makes so you can refresh the screen, and re-daw the list, without re-drawing it on top of the old list. So every time before you draw anything, you should first delete the old version.( re-draw = "refresh")

    I use Functions quite a bit. They are for re-drawing the list, and re-drawing some of the menu elements.

    I think Ashley describes functions the best:So basically you make a change to the array, you want to refresh the screen ,so the user can see it in the list.

    I'm stuck at this for like a week lol.

    Anyways. Can you tell me how did you so that when you add a new array value, there will be a sprite (background) behind it?

  • Store the mission names along the X axis, and everything about the mission in the Y axis.

    So the entry will look like

    X=0,Y=0 Level1

    X=0,Y=1 Description of level one

    X=0,Y=2 Level 1's .JSON load URL

    X=0,Y=3 Last date played

    X=0,Y=4 Highest Score

    X=0,Y=5 Whatever...........

    When you add a new level insert on the X axis.

    You are basically building a small database in the array.

    I've read the array for beginners guide. And think I can candle arrays to a small extent. But there are so many things that confuse me in your events. Care to elaborate for some of them? (I know you have labelled them with is helpful, but I guess I need more help).

    For example, what are the functions for? And why do I need to "call" stuff.

    And why do I need to destroy the sprites at the end, and then recreate it?

    Really want to understand/learn from this rather than copy/pasting your work.

  • Load your list into an array, Then you can copy the last value to the front , and pop the cell that the last value was in for your scroll. It will only loop through the values in the array. You wont need to scroll the screen at all this way, the list will scroll .

    Here is a load thing i was working on:look at where I click the up and down button to see how to scroll up and down.

    If I'm going to go with arrays (your idea), I'm going to have to scrap mine. As I have currently got "mission panels" which contains the information of said mission along with its context, requirements, rewards etc. And it piles on and on creating a rather huge list that expands past my view able layout/window. That sounds inefficient, i think?

    But, I really have no idea how to incorporate having a list of "missions" stored into an array. Pointers?