Please explain this project?

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From the Asset Store
With this template you can create your own archer game and customize it however you want.
  • Just want to learn how this is accomplished.


    1) What is "MenuCheck" in the project files.

    2) How did they get the Y positions to come to -73, and 553?

    3) When I do the same, my sprites collapse on each other when it moves up/down. Whereas theirs keep their alignment. (I copy/pasted my sprites to make multiples of them, I assume this is what they did too? Otherwise, did they do something extra that I did not notice?).

    4) How can I apply this to "Touch". so instead of clicking the up+down buttons, the user can touch the screen and scroll, and still have the boundary set so the user will stop at the top and bottom.

    Thank you.

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  • 1) A collision check to detect mouse clicks over the button area

    2) Those are the stop positions for when the menu is supposed to not be able to scroll further up/down. So it depends on how long your menu is.

    3) All icons are in 1 image, mind that.

    4) one possibility:

  • try this one Scroll&Slide.capx

  • 1) A collision check to detect mouse clicks over the button area

    2) Those are the stop positions for when the menu is supposed to not be able to scroll further up/down. So it depends on how long your menu is.

    3) All icons are in 1 image, mind that.

    4) one possibility: ...

    Thank you SO much! and korbaach too! Been stuck with this problem for a week to no avail and today I've done it. Learnt how to do it in the future too, (didn't just want to copy/paste without learning). Again, thanks all!

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