Knightova's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • I mean pretty obvious a lot of those games would not be easy to remake. Any game really takes time even a Pac-Man clone. The question was simply can it be done through this engine. Im just trying to gauge the capabilities of Constructs engine

  • Is there any SNES, NES, Genesis game or game mechanic that Construct 3 can't yet replicate? Asking just out of general interest as to the capabilities of C3 or even C2 for that matter.

    I picked up C3 because it seemed like a good engine for creating old school style games. So far its been working great for me. I want to create games similar to that of which are on NES SNES and Sega Genesis but Im just really curious if anyone knows of any sort of game mechanic or even game from that era that construct cant yet replicate?

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  • Actually it seems to be happening on multiple sprites. In the image you can also see it occurring just above the tents on the right as well

  • If you look at the balloon you can see the square outline on the top left, it flickers when i run the game. However the balloon is a PNG image and there is absolutely no outline in the image. This outline also only shows IN Game. I even tried erasing in the corner just in case but it wasn't that. Anyone know why this is happening and how to stop it?

  • 4 posts