It's complicated but it is possible, I made a fixed point FPS for the C2 Game Jam.
You can check it out here.
The Mouse Lock plugin does help
Yes, WebStorage works like a Cookie. It will save a little text file on your pc. The next time you load your game it will open that file. ... -savegames
I would use global. I don't think instance variables would work for what your wanting to do.
Yes, WebStorage allows you to store game data. no need for dialogs, that all can run in the background but you can make your own.
impe83, It was made with C2 and it does not require any plugins. but you do need Firefox or Google Chrome to play and it will ask for permission to hide the mouse. There is plugin for C2 called Mouse Lock that allows to do that.
This is how I got the mute button to work.
The wait for 0 seconds is the key.
HZGaming Thank You
2030 Robot Invasion is a FPS first person shooter game.
Kill as many robots as you can and have fun.
Kill The Robots!
My entry: 2030 Robot Invasion - FPS
I got to work! You need to uncheck "Minify script" on export. - C2 r172
This plugin helped a lot, Thank You!
My Game: 2030 Robot Invasion
TiAm the mouse lock is not working after I export, It works great in testing but after exporting nothing. Any suggestions?
Try using a Sprite font instead of text. It works better with android.
If you have the same objects and variables you can copy & past for one project to another. Just open up both files in the same C2 window highlight the events that you want to copy than copy & past.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
You can do it two different ways.
With Crosswalk ... -crosswalk
And with Cocoonjs ... h-cocoonjs
Make the save high score and set high score logo one event.