Knifegrinder's Forum Posts

  • Sounds good news, would you explain about minor visual glitches?

    I have some problems with large black tiledbackgrouds used as faders, when you exit a layout they seem to disappear just a few frames before the rest of layout breaking the fading out effect. Anyway this is really a minor issue since this is not happening with stretched sprites.

  • This is an empirical way to activate screencanvas. As C2 doesn't offically supports it, this may lead to unexpected results... Anyway if you want to try, follow these steps.

    Export to cocoonjs without minifying your script.

    Open in your zip folder the file C2runtime.js

    Find the following snippet of code:

    window["createCocoonJSRuntime"] = function ()


              window["c2cocoonjs"] = true;

              var Canvas = document.createElement("canvas");


              canvas.width = window.innerWidth;

              canvas.height = window.innerHeight;

              var rt = new Runtime(Canvas);

              window["c2runtime"] = rt;

              window.addEventListener("orientationchange", function () {

                  ?window["c2runtime"]["setSize"](window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);


              return rt;


    Delete it and replace with this

    window["createCocoonJSRuntime"] = function ()


              window["c2cocoonjs"] = true;

              var screenCanvas = document.createElement("screencanvas");

              var rt = new Runtime(screenCanvas);

              window["c2runtime"] = rt;

              window.addEventListener("orientationchange", function () {

                  ?window["c2runtime"]["setSize"](window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);


              return rt;


    edited><editID>Knifegrinder</editID><editDate>2013-01-04 01:53:51</editDate></edited>

  • Just tried it on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 7. Again 60FPS... I'm really impressed (despite inverted accelerometer controls on android honeycomb, but I think ludei is aware of it)

  • I modded a Clyde export to enable the new CocoonJS Screencanvas feature and... OMG!!!! THE GAME LITERALLY FLIES!

    FULL 60FPS on a samsung galaxy S advance, 25FPS on my old and crappy Galaxy Ace...

    Now, thats what I call native like performance! :D

    When C2 will officially support it I think there will not be anymore people swearing about mobile performance in this forum :-)

    Edit: there are some minor visual glitches, but... performance is really awesome. Thanks Ludei, thanks Scirra... Future of C2 games on mobile is brighter than ever.

  • Don't worry... It does... I've exported to phonegap thousand of times before CocoonJS last release.

    If you are using eclipse you probably can read logcat messages. Do you see errors or warnings when you start your application?

    What target API are you using in your manifest?

    This black screen appears also with phonegap build?

    And what Phonegap version are you using?

    Another thing... if you have a file called cordova-x-y-z.js into your assets/www folder try to rename it to phonegap.js

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  • If you are using eclipse, simply copy the exported files in the assets/www directory and then build from it.

    I don't use phonegap automatic build service, so I might be wrong, but usually when an apk refuses to install on a device there's a signing problem.

  • (using screencanvas would get you about 30-40 fps here, but Construct doesn't support that yet).

    I'm really curious about screencanvas performance since its announcement, I hope to see C2 support it in the next releases.

    Well I had no textures above 960 being the side panel scroll bars. However my layout is extraordinary large at a width of 9600. My assumption is that the layout is virtual space. So I'm asking. Is the layout canvas size or do I need to look elsewhere

    You have to look elsewhere... Layout size and canvas size are two different things, the biggest layout of my current project is 30000x2000 and runs quite good.

  • <italian mode on> IlRaffo... ma non sarai mica quel "raffo" di "quella rivista di videogiochi?"... in ogni caso fa piacere vedere un po' di italiani qui nella community.

    Il gioco ? bello, il camioncino del terzo livello mi ha fatto bestemmiare non poco <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />.

    Migliorerei un po' la schermata di selezione del livello che, secondo me, non ? all'altezza dell'ottima grafica durante il gioco.

    </italian mode off>

    Anyway, Maybe it's my PC but the game is strangely slow on firefox... no problems (as usual) on chrome.

  • Yes. No problems with this kind of games.

  • I've seen a ghost, so is it recording the movements of the player?

    Yes, you can play every level in two modes. There's a "story mode" where you collect crystals to reach the next level and a "time attack mode" where you have to beat your best time (and your ghost) to achieve new powers and abilities.

  • Look Great!! Very fun and perfect in mobile.

    Wow ...

    Thanks guys. <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    The road to Clyde's first beta is almost done. When the first milestone will be achieved I'll start an official topic with a demo APK. Stay tuned.

  • Galaxy SII lite is the "infamous" i9070 (Galaxy S advance here in Italy). I have the same phone. First of all search a firmware update for your device. Samsung i9070 seems to have a serious problem with resources allocation. Sometimes games start laggy and bugged (every game, not only C2 games exported with cocoonjs), then when you close the game and restart it you get 3x FPS and an outstanding smoothness.

    With native games this performance drop may be barely noticeable, but with C2 games you need your phone in perfect fit to achieve an enjoyable gameplay experience.

    Many people around the world resolved this issue with an upgrade released some times ago (unfortunately this upgrade is not yet downloadable here in Italy).

    Another thing. Check your collision mask, and try to set it to bounding box.

    P.S. It's funny to know that in portugal the i9070 is called Galaxy sII lite and it's funnier that samsung released also the Galaxy SIII mini which is basically the same hardware with JellyBean instead of Gingerbread.

  • Seem's to run fairly well, and my game which isn't close to completion is running 20fps on any ios device that wasn't mentioned above yet getting 60fps on an iphone5. So I don't think I will have issues with users of newer devices, but I don't want to just exclude older devices, which really aren't that old. Did your game utilize sound effects or music? I feel those are necesserary to a complete game, but from what I've learned so far you are unable to use more than one, yes one, audio clip unless you are on the newer ios devices. Is there a workaround or something to this?

    If you use CocoonJS you can have multichannel sound without workarounds or tricks.

    I've built about 42 events and I've only accomplished about a quarter of the controls. I could probably cut it down by 15 once I remove the mouse/keyboard controls but still... I feel it would only be related to the constant events or ones in action than all of them...

    The game you've seen has currently 800+ events... so don't worry about events number. Performance is not related to the number of events you use in your game. It's more related to how do you use those events. Avoid unnecessary collision checkings and loops running every tick and your game should run fine.

  • This is odd... I'm getting better results with a complex game and a slower phone with cocoonjs...

    What kind of game are you making? How many objects are on the screen? Are you using very large tiledbackgrounds or loops in your event sheet?

  • CocoonJS currently works on Android 2.3+ devices.