Bug Behavior Solid

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    Good afternoon to all of the community! I have a problem with the behavior SOLID. Colquei behavior in a Sprite Bullet but when he hits a SOLID him instead of BOUNCE he passes elemento.Isso happens when I test the jogono Celular browser on the computer works normally! I exported to CocoonJS and tested it on my Galaxy and yet he passed the Sprite SOLID, why?

    Thank you all!


    Boa tarde a todos da comunidade !Estou com um problema com o comportamento SOLID .Colquei um comportamento em um Sprite de Bullet mas quando ele bate em um SOLID ele ao inv�s de BOUNCE ele passa pelo elemento.Isso acontece quando eu testo o jogono Celular, no browser do computador funciona normalmente !Exportei para o CocoonJS e testei no meu Galaxy e mesmo assim ele passou pelo Sprite SOLID, por que??

    Obrigado a todos !

  • Seems Like a bug ... Kyatric , Could you move this post to the bug section ?

    Also , What Galaxy , Which Browser ... Explain more ... And if possible , Post a Capx of your game ...

  • [Portugues]

    ..Samsung Galaxy SII Lite..browser MOziila no celular e no computador Chrome que por sinal o jogo nao abre depois de exportado para HTML5.O sons n�o tocam quando exportado o apk no celular.Muitos bugs, estou desistindo de usar o C2 !


    Samsung Galaxy SII .. Lite .. MOziila on mobile browser and Chrome on the computer by the way the game does not open after exported to HTML5.O sounds do not play when exported the apk in celular.Muitos bugs, I'm giving up using the C2!

  • It sounds like bugs in your code/setup, not necessary C2 itself.

    As Whiteclaws said, post your capx and we can have a look at what's going wrong.

    For the sounds, it often happens when your webserver doesn't serve the correct MIME type (check this manual entry and this tutorial)

    For mobile, I don't know for sure for I haven't tried anything mobile yet. But for stuff like that it might be worth checking the website of phonegap (I guess apk is by phonegap), it's a third part tool, it's not something Scirra can fix or related to C2.

    Before moving this post as a bug of C2, I'd rather have a look in the capx, bullet and solid have no bug as far as I used it.

  • [portugu�s]

    O som nao funciona depois que o jogo � exportado para .apk e instalado.Quando testo via Wii-fi ele funciona normalmente e o comportamento SOLID s� funciona quando vizualizo no meu browser do computador no celular ele n�o funciona corretanente.


    The sound does not work after the game is exported. Instalado.Quando apk and Wii via testo-fi and it works normally SOLID behavior only works when vizualizo browser on my computer it does not work on mobile corretanente.



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  • Galaxy SII lite is the "infamous" i9070 (Galaxy S advance here in Italy). I have the same phone. First of all search a firmware update for your device. Samsung i9070 seems to have a serious problem with resources allocation. Sometimes games start laggy and bugged (every game, not only C2 games exported with cocoonjs), then when you close the game and restart it you get 3x FPS and an outstanding smoothness.

    With native games this performance drop may be barely noticeable, but with C2 games you need your phone in perfect fit to achieve an enjoyable gameplay experience.

    Many people around the world resolved this issue with an upgrade released some times ago (unfortunately this upgrade is not yet downloadable here in Italy).

    Another thing. Check your collision mask, and try to set it to bounding box.

    P.S. It's funny to know that in portugal the i9070 is called Galaxy sII lite and it's funnier that samsung released also the Galaxy SIII mini which is basically the same hardware with JellyBean instead of Gingerbread.

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