I am working on a simple platformer. All the basic stuff like running and jumping is in and the animations for that work fine. I am now trying to add an attack that animates with the press of a key. Instead of the animation playing, the player just jitters for a second and goes back to idle.
Here is the player Animation Code:
// player idle
E: player is not moving - A: set animation to "player_idle"
// player walk
E: player is moving - A: set animation to "player_walk"
// player jump
E: player is jumping or falling - A: set animation to "player_jump"
The player controls are just arrow keys or WASD + Space. The moving being the key is down and jump being the key is pressed. The attack is a pressed key, but I am kinda lost has to why the animation will not play. everything in the animation is set up and I have tried some other ways that also do not work.
I am kinda new so maybe I am just missing something.