klkev's Forum Posts

  • dang can I see the app source code? I want to learn how to make it

  • still looking for some tutorial about how to build general apps with construct

    such as

    quiz and wallpaper apps.

    Anyone please help me.

  • Thanks a lot for your great answer bro.

    how much should I pay more if I want to upgrade from CS2 to CS3?

  • What's the difference between CS2 and CS3?

    What I know is only that

    CS2 = should download

    CS3 = can access on browser

    any significant things I do not know yet about performance and functionality difference?

  • Tom Thanks Tom! The Maddog

    btw could you recommend me some general app making tutorial links :D

  • very informative sir. So I should go with photon coz I need the one with less learning curve :)

  • you again the MADDOG

    "you are in the right place" explained all to me.

    I'm all into construct now! Thank you!!

  • oh maybe you recommended photonengine coz they are more professional than scirra team in multiplayer area?

    I can see that they have quite amount of history and effort put only into network feature development lol

  • I don't mind paying for construct3 license and I will actually pay for it sooner or later.

    But isn't it better just use multiplayer feature from construct3 itself rather than integrating products from 3rd parties?

    I mean it's easier and fit better to use built in multiplayer feature? and even with easier learning curve?

    Basically the things I care most are easy to learn and use and nice compatibility with bug free.

    btw are you using construct2 or construct3 at the moment?

  • by general apps I mean such as



    simple website conversion like webview

    news app

    small informational apps like ebooks

    coloring pics


    something like these

    If yes, could you please guide me to the good tutorial place :)

    I know the best way to make those is using android studio directly

    but I ask questions here coz I love Construct interface and its mechanism so much!

    Please help me xD

  • You can do it !

    Construct 3's multiplayer features are top notch!!

    Good luck !

    you talk very differently from the guy above you haha.

    so is it easy to implement those feature in construct RPG game?

    Can you show me some construct games which using network features intensively?

    I hope to learn it not in very hard way :D

  • Possible, yeah. But it´s one hell of a task, if you don´t have a dedicated team and already good knowledge about construct/networking I´d steer away from that idea.

    you mean the implementation difficulty level is very high?

    hm... but I'm not even making realtime multiplayer.

    PVP and Boss Raid are just like single play but looks like multiplay because of ranking boards and promotion and demotion of ranks.

    I tot construct developed an easy network pack like plug and play kind of tool but... no?

    Then is there any example game using released with those features (pvp and boss raid)?

    or good tutorial to learn about it?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I have some questions about construct.

    I would like to make RPG with some network functions.

    1. PVP between users

    2. Boss Raid for all users

    3. Ranking board for PVP and Raid

    4. and give reward beased on their performance and rank

    Are they possible in Construct2 or Construct3?