kittiewan's Forum Posts

  • As of release 83 this is no longer a problem--the new icons have eliminated it.

  • Really nice game! Congrats on the win. I too got only as far as the rockets, but I'll try again later.

  • I got a chance to look at your specific project and made a few changes to make use of layers to help with the sorting. Layer 0 is the "floor", layer 1 is the player/main level and layer 2 is the front wall layer. Also changed the origins slightly, but you may not really need to do that... It is just a start.

    h ear4.capx

    Thanks, kataryna. I hope you have fun with it!

  • Here is my "port" of scidave's tutorial "Mikey's adventure" part 2 to Construct 2. It manages depth sorting based on y position.


    Look at the Depth Sorting group in the Common event sheet. Note that the origin of the objects being tested is set to the bottom. That way when Mikey's "feet" are above the base of a tree he moves behind the tree. If his feet are below the base of the tree he moves in front of it. Currently objects can only be moved to the front or back of zorder, so you have to be careful, for example in situations like the wall along the right side. If Mikey can get close to it, it would seem to behave very strangely.

  • Create a new project.

    Duplicate Layout 1 twice to create Layout 2 and Layout 3.

    Ctrl-Z to undo, which removes Layout 3.

    Ctrl-Z again causes the following error to appear:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Click I for ignore and Construct 2 crashes.

    Workaround is to delete the layouts instead of undoing the creation of the layouts.

  • To me the approach you are taking seems very difficult to understand and manage. Maybe someone else will have better luck understanding what you are trying to do and what your next step would be.

    If you are willing to do some rework of your project, here is a link to a project that does some of what you want. The store starts out in a closed state and after a certain number of ticks, goes to an open state. When open it is possible to make sales of a random quantity of random products to up to a maximum number of customers by clicking a button.


    To upgrade the number of customers you would just change MaxCustomers.

    Do you mean increase the profit or increase the revenue? If you mean revenue (which is price * qty) then just multiply by another upgrade factor and make it price*qty*factor. For example, 3*10=30 vs 3*10*1.5=45.

    If you have questions about the capx I linked to, let me know.

  • There are so many ways to do this, it would really help to see your .capx (or preferably a simplified version of it.) To give you specific help I need to know, for example, how you are storing inventories. Are you using arrays? (I would.)

    As far as managing the purchase you might try something roughly along the lines of:

    system-> repeat NumberofCustomers times

        system-> pick each product

               QuantityPurchased = int(random(0,QuantitySellerHasOnHand))

    Then you'd deduct the quantitypurchased from the seller's inventory and add it to the buyer's inventory, and increase the seller's cash and decrease the buyers cash, etc.

    Hope that helps at least a little!

  • The first three parts of the tutorial Creating a Memory Match Game with Construct 2 are now up. One more to go and then I'll decide whether to do a tutorial on the framework.

  • I'm using an array instead of a hash table, but the easiest thing for you to do right now is just use a boolean instance variable.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Edit: Still haven't heard from scidave...

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  • In my tutorial I used the tool to embedd youtube videos, but they just appear as whitespace and give an error when you hover over them that they weren't loaded. Is there something special that needs to be done to include a video?

    Also I actually clicked submit on my tutorial by accident. Only the first two parts are up and it will be a few days before the others are up. Is there any way to roll back to the submission? It isn't a big issue since I fixed it up as best I could for now, but I'd like to know for future reference.

  • Much better!

  • I don't know how you want to handle enhancement requests, so I'm just treating them as if they are bugs. Is that how you want them handled?

    This one is pretty simple, but in no way urgent. In the title bar, is it possible to display the name of the project after "Construct 2" and before the name of the layout/event sheet? The problem is that when you have several copies of C2 loaded it isn't always easy to tell which is which when you want to set focus, as in this picture. (This picture isn't the best example, since one layout is empty and one has a picture of trees, but much more often it is pretty tough to tell.)

    Ideally the title bar would say "Construct 2 - <Project name> - <Layout/Event Sheet name>

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • I am not 100% certain what you are trying to achieve, but I think the picking problem has to do with your already having picked some tactical2 objects in a previous event. For each just uses each of those currently picked objects maybe?

    In order to test all of the tactical2 objects I modified event 8 as shown and tactical2 objects started moving (although I think not the first one I placed but that might be for some other reason.)

    <img src="" border="0">

    EDIT: This change does seem to break your logic to make tactical2s keep their distance

    apart, since each tactical2 on the same line goes to the exact same

    position as the others on that line. But hopefully it gives you a place to start working from. I think that if you nest your events by creating sub-events instead of putting them in one event things will work better. If you're trying to limit your events to under 100 because you are using the free version, that could eventually create a problem since each sub-event counts as an event.

    For Each has generated confusion for many, including me. Here is a tutorial that Arima posted on using For Each.

    I don't know if it clears up anything, but I do know that changing For Each to Pick All made tactical 2 start moving.

    EDIT 2: You can also eliminate the For Each and Pick Every entirely. The system will test every tactical2 to see if it satisfies the other conditions.

    <img src="" border="0">

    EDIT 3: I also don't think you need the On every tick event in that first Movment 2 event. Anytime the rest of the conditions become true it will trigger.

  • I hadn't noticed it before, but it was true in R82 as well. In the properties panel the category for layer, angle, opacity, position and size is labeled [missing]. An effect of localization efforts, perhaps?

  • I honestly have no idea. I suspect it is intended to be set on a trajectory and continue on it unless the trajectory is reset, but I could be wrong about that. I haven't used bullet except for enemies, and in one case where I redirected the bullet's angle based on mouse clicks. I used the other way for climbing ladders in a platformer and knew it would allow a change in X as the Y changed.

    If char has a bullet behavior you could change char.bullet.angleofmotion when the arrows are clicked and the

    char would look like it was changing lanes gradually.

    Something like:

    char -> set bullet angle of motion to clamp(self.BulletAngleOfMotion - 10, -110,-70) degrees

    for the left arrow and

    char -> set bullet angle of motion to clamp(self.BulletAngleOfMotion + 10, -110,-70) degrees

    for the right arrow.

    I don't think that's what you're looking for, though.