I am not 100% certain what you are trying to achieve, but I think the picking problem has to do with your already having picked some tactical2 objects in a previous event. For each just uses each of those currently picked objects maybe?
In order to test all of the tactical2 objects I modified event 8 as shown and tactical2 objects started moving (although I think not the first one I placed but that might be for some other reason.)
<img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/57899112/PickProblemEvent8.PNG" border="0">
EDIT: This change does seem to break your logic to make tactical2s keep their distance
apart, since each tactical2 on the same line goes to the exact same
position as the others on that line. But hopefully it gives you a place to start working from. I think that if you nest your events by creating sub-events instead of putting them in one event things will work better. If you're trying to limit your events to under 100 because you are using the free version, that could eventually create a problem since each sub-event counts as an event.
For Each has generated confusion for many, including me. Here is a tutorial that Arima posted on using For Each.
I don't know if it clears up anything, but I do know that changing For Each to Pick All made tactical 2 start moving.
EDIT 2: You can also eliminate the For Each and Pick Every entirely. The system will test every tactical2 to see if it satisfies the other conditions.
<img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/57899112/PickProblemEvent8V2.PNG" border="0">
EDIT 3: I also don't think you need the On every tick event in that first Movment 2 event. Anytime the rest of the conditions become true it will trigger.