Kisai's Forum Posts

  • You know that my usage of bullet behavior is for the grapple thingy shooting from my character, right? ^^ The grapple actions will be done seperately, done mostly from a personal .cap someone posted a year ago. I'll just be copying that. Think Samus's Grapple Beam from Super Metroid.

  • I'm wondering, does a bullet, when spawned, only go to the right unless specified by the keyboard? It seems that to do some diagonal shooting with a platformer, I gotta enter events like this:

    MouseKeyboard: Key Up arrow is down

    MouseKeyboard: Key Right arrow is down

    HandSet angle to 315

    Is it SUPPOSED to be like that, or should bullets be able to be shot diagonally naturally, and somehow I'm just missing that?

  • Example

    There you go, from what I can tell it does what you're wanting to do.

    Oohh, it DOES. NOW I know what you mean with that "spawner" stuff. Do, either with a dummy variable, or dummy sprite, I gotta use some cumbersome way as a work-around, sadly. Thanks. ^_^

  • [quote:3t9os9zo]Oh. Sorry, slight misunderstanding! Well, in that case Lost's method should work - or you can use a variable which stores the number of bullets (Object.Count) - only fire if it is less than one. If you expect to use more bullets, you'll have to distinguish that one somehow (by a variable, for example).

    Funny you say that JUST after figuring out a work-around using a private variable as a switch. The event only works if the private variable is 0. Pressing the fire button sets the private variable to 1, preventing any further firing. In the same event that destroys the bullet, the private variable is set to 0.

    I was using this as a "boomerang"-type effect for a grappling hook thing, hence the "Hand" object. The character reaches out to grab a grapple point, but after a certain amount of distance, the hand retracts back to the character, and of course, we can't have more than one created at a time.

  • I already tried doing some "Trigger Once" stuff before you said that and it didn't work. Even when I tried using it specifically the way you described, it still didn't work. It wouldn't spawn the object at all. Is it a bug with Construct? o_O

    Oh. You think I mean a rapid-fire thing. No, I mean just a single bullet at a time. Until the object's gone, another cannot be created. That's what I meant.

  • I'm trying to do something where you can only create one object at a time. In this case, shooting a single bullet at a time. I'd tried doing something like...

    Hand: Is on-screen

    MouseKeyboard: On key C pressed

    System: Is global variable 'Character' Equal to 2

    SystemCreate object Hand 0 on layer "Playing Field" at (0, 0) from Player 1 's pivot point

    That first event, I tried inverting, so as to tell the event, "If this object is NOT on-screen, and if THIS key is pushed while THIS character is being used, THEN go ahead and spawn/create the object." but for some reason, somehow, I cannot get a one-object limit on this no matter what I do. I don't wanna do a global object just for this either, but does anyone have any ideas on how I can do this?

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  • ...I... yeah... Get Text Width and Get Text Height are REAL things that you can get info for by double-clicking on a text object when you wanna do something like, say, change an object's width and height to match that. In the event editor, it appears as [object].TextWidth(Text) or [object].TextHeight(Text) and what I'm saying is that that doesn't work. It's recognizable by the editor, and even when you do the double-clicking thing and select the option "Get Text Width", that shows up even in the newer versions, but it doesn't work.

    I still have no idea what you're talking about the canvas object for... o_O

  • I'm... not sure what the canvas object has to do with anything... o_O

  • Well, there's only one thing I can think of, but for the longest time, the newest updates have been missing one thing that I know of that's been keeping me from using the newer versions for my "game".

    "Get Text Width" and "Get Text Height" or whatever. Why were they removed? I can't think of anything else, but that might be the only thing for all I know. But I was sorta needing that to continue.

    One last thing, I notice jumps in the newer Constructs are a lot more floaty.

    Hm, it seems it's still there... The reason for me thinking it wasn't there is because... well, it's not working for some reason. Unfortunately, I know all too well with my own project that adding new things and fixing old things can lead to NEW problems with old features. ;_;

  • I'm hoping these screenshots aren't too much, but I DO tend to get long-winded and rambling like this, even when it comes to just showing pictures. ^^; And I expect the screenshots to all speak for themselves about what I'm making.

    <img src="">

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    When I'm making something, I tend to write notes to myself a LOT. @ What better time to do that than with testing a message box?

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  • Well, I told you where the event for resizing the cursor was done, figured that was all you were asking for. ^^ But as requested, I did this on a new .cap.

    Works the exact same there. Same old glitch and all. You can only use this .cap in 98.9 since the newer versions like 99.42 cannot detect text width and height for some reason.

  • Thanks. ^^ I doubt anyone will. No offense to Construct or the community itself, but it's pretty obvious it's a SMALL community, and as a result, the boards are gonna be pretty dead. ^_^;; Any help at all would be appreciated. I'd try that idea of yours out, but my laptop has been failing pretty big today, so priority one for now is backing up my files. ;_;

  • Well, just to give people an idea of what's wrong, here's the .cap:

    For starters, just run it, pause the game, and press "E". This was to help me test how well scrolling the pause menu would work, since I NEED this to help me have more space to work with. Unfortunately, it glitches the cursor up. Why, I have no idea. All that's going on is scrolling, and the cursor is being ALWAYS resized to whatever option it's hovering over. All we're doing is moving the "camera" so to speak, so why this screws up, I have no idea. Is there a glitch in Construct between resizing a sprite and scrolling the screen?

    As for where I have that resizing cursor thing done, it's under "Pause Menu Events", and "Resizing The Cursor".

  • In my little pause menu, I have a cursor that's ALWAYS resized to the text of the option it's highlighting. The problem is, if I try scrolling on this pause menu at all, it screws up the resizing of the cursor object for some reason. I have no idea why this is happening. I hope my explanation will suffice, since if you saw the .cap, you probably would get easily lost in my mess of stuff. ^^;

  • "Wallt of text"? ...

    Anyhow, when you mention "t" being 1, I have to admit, I'm sort of copying how I saw lerp done before in other .caps, and thought, "Wow, this has a cool, neat motion from one object to another. PERFECT for my little pause menu thingy! How do I do this?"

    Secondly, when I tried creating an internal value for the "Objects" menus to move to, like mano suggested, as I mentioned, the objects couldn't move to that Y position. If I told them their Y destination was their own internal value, they would glithc up and move to that -8.34534whatever-e coordinate that I mentioned in a previous post.

    However, if there's a problem with whatever you're referring to as "t" being 1, I'd have no idea what that problem would cause. All I could really get was that you type out, lerp(current position, destination, 1, - time you want this movement done in ^ TimeDelta).

    Also, I didn't know about cosp. That's pretty cool. ^^ Unfortunately, when trying it out, it seems to drop the FPS down a bit.