kirbyUFO's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • PSI Thanks for the response =) That makes sense, I had a vague idea that I was going to need to update all my events after importing with the new Spriter format so it's good to have confirmation on that.

    I did some more testing and it seems that my simpler legacy animations work fine when resaved as .scml and .scon with the proper custom save options, so that's a relief. Unfortunately my main character which by far has the most animation data still has the invisible sprites/animation problem.

    Also, when I try to play an animation with a "Set Animation" event it pops up the following error:

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

    http://localhost:50000/Spriter_plugin.js, line 2272 (col 32)


    Okay, just tried deleting all but one animation in the file and it worked, so maybe I'll just have to go through 38 animations and find out which are causing a problem.

    Edit 2:

    Found the culprit! I had saved a new version of this character's head sprite into its root folder and made the mistake of swapping it in C2 rather than overwriting it. When my animator went to work on it in Spriter, she swapped in the alt sprite that should have just replaced the old one. To fix the duplicate sprite I had edited the scml file manually to remove any reference to it, which worked fine except for this one animation. On a few frames, the object list showed a blank sprite in the Z-Order list and the head was remaining in place while the bone moved, so I swapped it for the sprite it should be and all is working properly.

    In the future I will definitely avoid adding unnecessary and confusing pngs to the root of the animation folder.

    Now to resave all the other animations and fix the event references and move the updated names into their appropriate folders for organization and make sure the new sprites are in the right families.

  • Thanks for all the hard work on Spriter and the importer plugin.

    Unfortunately I recently updated to the latest importer and am now experiencing some trouble with legacy scml/scon files. To be more specific, the files import into C2 fine but when I run the layout they're invisible. Setting an action to make the sprites in the family visible shows them, but no animation plays.

    As I mentioned I've updated to the latest import plugin, running Construct r174 and Spriter b8_2 and have the three Custom Save Options checked.

    The GreyGuy works fine, as does any new Spriter file I create and import.

    However, when I re-save any of my older files or even any of the files in the art pack (e.g. PlatformerPack\player or Goblin_enemy) I experience the invisible / no animation problem. Any ideas?

  • Are character map sprites in different entities implemented in the plugin?

    I created a character map and baked it to a new entity, but upon import into C2 it only creates sprites for the first entity. Am I doing something wrong or is that feature not available yet?

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  • Well, I figured out a solution that's working so far using two families, one that contains all of the enemy sprites and another that contains their collision boxes. The sprites family has a collisionUID variable to store the UID of its appropriate collision box.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Assigning the collision box's UID by distance using "pick nearest to" and iterating through every sprite to check which ones need the flashing effect both seem a little sloppy to me. Maybe there's a better a way? For the moment though, I'm just happy to have something that works.

  • Thanks for the response!

    That makes sense, but my problem is that I don't want to set individual parameters for each picked sprite on hit; rather, I want to apply one effect to all sprites in the container.

    So my game gets to the state where the collision box has picked everything in the container - how can I set an event that will affect all of those picked sprites without having to reference each one explicitly?

  • How would one pick every object in a container on-hit? e.g. to flash all of the sprites of a composite object to imply damage.


    * Using spriter animations.

    * All sprites are members of a container, as automatically created on import.

    * Collision box has also been added to said container.

    * Collision boxes are also members of a family, which triggers the on-hit event.

    So I can pick the collision box on-hit, but how do I get from there to picking all of the sprites in its container and apply some visual effect to them?

  • 6 posts