kiran's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • Hi,

    I am trying to work with angle of gravity the problem i feel here is when i change the angle when i hit the platform it is losing it initial state of the cplayer ie it is not landing properly on the platform.

    This is the link

    Please reply as soon as possible.

  • Hi,

    I am trying to work with angle of gravity the problem i feel here is when i change the angle of gravity when the cplayer hits back to the platform it is losing it initial state of the cplayer.

    This is the link


  • Hi,

    I am trying to work with angle of gravity the problem i feel here is when i change the angle when i hit the platform it is losing it initial state of the cplayer.

    This is the link


  • Hi i am new construct 2 and i am unable to give a slippery effect when the player overlapping with slope can any help me out this

    Here is the capx file


  • Hi i am trying slope effect but i am not able to make a slippy that the player can slide the slope and again he has to climb the slope.

    If any one can help me. the file is here.

  • Hi,

       How can i create a session with arrays?


  • Hound thanks. One more thing i want to know is i have a string and i am trying to getting the values to array the string is some thing like this

    tempString={what is ur name?,option1,option2,option3,option4,answer,what is ur name?,option1,option2,option3,option4,answer,what is ur name?,option1,option2,option3,option4,answer


    Now i want store this in an array and show one after the other on the screen.

    Can you please guide how can i store all the 3 questions and answers and after a right or wrong answer i will i have another question.

    Please help me

  • I understood that joan.But i just need to rotate the loop for 10 times and stop and i am not able to do that can u help me if u have any idea.Because i am not able to upload the screen shot.

  • I just want to see the loop starting from 0 and ending 9 and i should see the 9 in the textbox at the end.





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  • I am trying a simple for loop example in construct 2?If any one can help ?


    I created a for ""from i to 10    Textbox set text to i

                                      System Add 1 to i

                                      System stop loop.

    But the loop is not breaking after reaching 10.

    Where did i go wrong.

    Thanks in advance.

  • 10 posts