King Limberg's Forum Posts

  • Could you possibly provide a screenshot? Its not working for me, but I do get the idea I think.

  • How do you tally up a score? You see how in the video, he gets 4 points for his score. When the point board comes up, his score is at first 0 and then it adds 1 every 0.2 seconds and then stops at what the score he got which is 4. How do you do this effect?

  • This is probably very easy but I had an object with physics. How do I make it not fall so fast? Like I want it to fall 10 pixels per seconds for example. Also, how do I make it spin 20 pixels for example, clockwise?

  • I figured it out! You will need one global variable called whatever, I chose clicked. You have system clicked = 0 as another condition from when you touch the button. When you touched it and it pulls up, it sets the all the buttons global variables to 1 as an event. When you click the back button it resets all the global variables to 0. I hope this makes sense.

  • Is there like a way you could like lock a layer on the event sheet?

  • I'm sorry about that. I didn't know you named it "King Limberg." Thank you for making that .capx file for me. I guess I will try to figure it out but thank you for much for helping. I appreciate it. In your .capx , I don't really understand whats going on except what is in the event sheet but anyways thank you for your help. I sorta know what to do though. If I have a global variable and have the default value 0 and when I click on something, it sets all the other buttons to 1 and then the back button makes them 0 again. This would be another condition when you touch it. I am still testing it out. Thank you very much for your help.

  • Yes, there are like over 50 of them. Which one do you want to direct me to?

  • Which one should I look at Lordshiva1948?

  • So I have a layer and on that layer is a scroll picture. When I click on settings it pulls up the scrolls. But my question is, can I make an action happen when I click outside the scroll. I highlighted in black to show that if I click around here it will do something. If I can't do that, I want to lock the layer with the settings button so I can't keep clicking it and it starts glitching. In the red is the settings button. I can still click on it and I don't want to be able to click on it. Once I click the back button, then I can click settings again.

  • Something like this? This doesn't work though.

  • So have it like

    Touch ; On touch 0 start; Set animation frame 1

    Touch; On touch 0 end; Transition and Stuff

    The problem with this is that I want to click specifically on the play button for this to happen. The touch events don't work with this.

  • I believe this is very easy but I can't figure it out. I have it so when I click on a button it goes to frame 1 and I want to make it that when I let go it starts the transition and stuff. I don't know how to make it so when I am not touching it anymore it goes to the transition slide. The picture explains it. I want to make it so event 4 has to happen before event 5 can take place.

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  • Thank you for the reply, its good but how do I make the square go to my finger, like it takes 5 seconds for it to get to my finger. In the video, it takes time for the character to get to your finger. And how do you make the camera follow like it does in the video. Like the scroll to behavior in way. Exactly like the video.

  • Thank you Lordshiva1948 for that. I sadly can't find what I was looking for. I tried to find a tutorial on this website but I haven't ran into any yet. I want something that is exactly like this.

  • I want to make something like this but how do I implement the character?