Kikujade's Forum Posts

  • 3 posts
  • Hey, thanks for replying. I have e mailed support 4 times already. Still no response.

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  • Hi,

    My name is Gustavo. I purchased Construct 2 via PayPal on Monday, Jan. 30th. PayPal said to wait until the payment cleared. It cleared yesterday (Feb. 2nd) and I have not received any e mail with a redeem code.

    I did all this before registering in the Scirra Forum.

    Can someone please tell me if I did something wrong, or is there something I haven't done to receive my redeem code?

    I have already e mailed support and have not received a reply.

  • Hello, fellow game makers. I'm interested in developing games.

    I was actually hoping to get in touch with I have tried e mailing support, but I have not received a response yet.

    I purchased Construct 2 via PayPal on Jan. 30th, after which PayPal e mailed me back saying that I had to wait until my payment was cleared. My payment cleared yesterday (notification from PayPal) but I have yet to receive a redeem code.

    I did all this before registering here. I have just registered thinking perhaps I was missing that step in order to make my purchase more "official." I still haven't received a response, and I'm very interested in starting to use Construct 2.

    Tom, if you see this sir, please tell me if I went about paying for the software the wrong way, or any other advise.

  • 3 posts