Kazan's Forum Posts

  • If anyone can give me a tip though on how to add multiple values into an array without having to put them at specific indexes though it would be appreciated.

    Like it would be nice to add someone's name and have all the associated data go along with it in that same column. Is that something that's even possible?

  • blackhornet

    Okay, okay yeah that makes a lot of sense actually.

    Thank you very much

  • blackhornet

    Ohh, I think I see. So I'm inserting twice and that's basically shifting all of my values over twice? I still don't understand how the other characters are ending up with 3 values for gender though. Shouldn't that stay at 2 regardless?

    That's a problem. Inserting values seemed ideal since I don't want to have to set values at specific indexes later in game. I want to be able to just "insert" a new row and column sort of dynamically and be done with it.

  • I'm having some really annoying issues with arrays. Maybe I'm just not understanding how they work on a fundamental level.

    I have an array like this one with some values filled in that pertain to characteristics of the the characters at the top. Things like age, gender, eye color etc. I set all this up at the start of the layout.

    I want to be able to add NEW characters into the array but every time I try to do that the array gets really weird in the debug layout. For example if I try to insert another character named "Jim" on the x axis he'll be inserted at the front of the array no problem...but if I try to add the other values, gender and so on they'll be strewn throughout every corner of the array.

    Everythings good.

    And then I insert new values...

    What the heck?

    Also, by default an array has a 1 for depth, if I turn that to zero (because why the hell would I need zdepth in a 2d array, right?) this happens.

    Can anyone clue me in on what exactly it is that I'm doing wrong here? What am I not understanding?

    Thanks for any help.

  • Pulstar

    That's...amazing, that's pretty much all I needed.

    Thanks so much, man

    That's a pretty clever way to draw a ray btw. I mess with UE4 on occassion and always wished C2 had the equivalent in certain scenarios. I'll definitely remember that for later.

  • Hey thanks a lot!

    That's really quite helpful actually, I'm going to play with that a bunch and see what makes it tick. I think I understand what you did for the most part.

    I didn't mention it in my original post because I didn't want to bog it down with details but I am indeed trying to make something like this work with an isometric grid So yeah, this will take some research and study. This is a great help.

    Again, thanks. Appreciate you taking the time to help

  • Hi everyone.

    I was wondering if anyone would be able to offer me some some hints/tips on how to go about creating a wall placement system, like the kind you would see in games like Prison Architect, Rimworld, or even The Sims.

    What I have so far is a setup that will place wall tiles down wherever I'm dragging, which isn't right but that's as far as I've gotten with it so far.

    Ideally, I would want to click with the left mouse button and drag out a wall (at this stage it would appear as like a ghost version of the wall) then, when I let go of the mouse button the wall would then be placed.

    Another question I have is how do you ensure that wall tiles only drag out horizontally or vertically instead of just going wherever the cursor is?

    Thanks for any help you can give me!

  • Thank you!

  • Hi.

    Simple question I think (hopefully a simple answer).

    Is there way to tell during gameplay which layout is active and is currently playing?

    I'm trying to create a kind of "smart" menu system using only one event sheet and I want certain buttons in the menu to be either active or inactive depending on what layout is playing. But I'm not sure how to go about telling it which layout it's in.


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  • You're right, it was the addons fault.

    On a whim I was playing with while loops. Without the behavior they stop, with it they don't. How strange.

    Anyway you were a huge help. Thanks so much for taking the time to help me

  • Thanks, I'll have a look at it. I appreciate the help!

    Seems very odd to me C2 doesn't have a way to break a loop though.

  • Thanks, I see what you're doing there but that's exactly the issue I'm having. As soon as you turn his platform behavior back on he'll pick up right where he left off and continue moving.

    I can stop him while he's walking no problem, but I'm looking more for a way to stop the entire movement loop completely while he's walking. Because I want his platform behavior available for other actions.

    In the actual game I have for each events on the enemies because there's more than one of them. You would think the stop loop action would work... but it doesn't seem to.

    Thanks for helping though, much appreciated.

  • Sure. I can't post the game but here's a quick mock-up.

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/349 ... point.capx

    It uses a custom behavior by RexRainbow however so you'll need that to open it.

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/577 ... oveto.html

  • So basically I have an enemy with the platform behavior that will move back and forth between waypoint sprites. When he reaches a waypoint he then PICKS another waypoint at random and then moves towards it, rinse and repeat.

    I am trying to get him to stop while he's on his way to a waypoint.

    I can stop him once he gets there but if he's already picked the waypoint I can't. I've tried disabling the waypoint group itself, I've tried inserting variables here and there. Nothing seems to work. I can stop him temporarily by disabling his platform behavior, but once I start it back up he just picks up where he left off lol.

    It seems like once he's picked the waypoint and the event is running there's no stopping it. I thought about destroying the waypoint he picked, that might work right? But unfortunately for other reasons in the game destroying the waypoint isn't an option.

    Any ideas on this one? I feel like I'm missing something fairly simple here.

  • Hi everyone.

    I've been working on a game by my lonesome for the past few months and I'm looking for an artist who can help pull a character design out of my head and put him onto paper. I know what he looks like, I can see bit n' pieces of him, but I need you to help put it all together.

    Basically what I need are some solid concept works of a single humanoid/human character in a flat shaded, hand drawn kind of style. The character has both realistic and semi-cartoony elements as well so keep that in mind. I might also have need of some reference sketches for 3D modelling later on but that's not important now. It's not a complicated design really, actually I imagine it would be a fairly simple character for someone who isn't me But I would like to work back and forth with you until we can hit on something...final.

    I'm not a big studio or anything, I'm just a single guy working on a game while working a 9 to 5 job in the meantime, so keep that in mind when you send me your rates lol But honestly if I like your portfolio and I think you're the best person for the job I'll do everything within my power to meet your fees. And down the line I'll have need of more character designs for sure.

    (I can only pay via PayPal btw)


    Send me a few samples of your work including your standard rates if you would be so kind.

    I'm not able to get on the Scirra Website as often as I'd like, so if you want to get ahold of me email is the best way for now.

    Thanks all!