kittiewan any news?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
rexrainbow i think you should add option to cursor behavior i mean move only UP & DOWN or LEFT & RIGHT
kittiewan ok im waiting for your game :)
i do some reseach and i see every array have one sprite with animation frames, every frame has other graphics and this frames are randomly displayed on screen. My game has cards already placed and i need to set randomly this cards (for each card i set events). It is possible to do?
thanks for reading i wiil try this soon
This is capx.
I want to sort cards randomly in my logic game
my english is bad sorry:(
So my score is only time, when i end level with time (1:28) i want see this in high scores, its more better explained now?
can you explain better?
How do i high scores with time. EXAMPLE If i faster (5s.) kill 10 foes my place in high score is 1st but when i kill in 4s my score ar highest?
how do something like that?
yes i want to collide
this is example made by Kyatric
with my modifications
volwerine when goes to left he had legs on top and head in the ground
how to change this?
when i click or hold left mouse button particles shoot in to mouse cursor direction
Like in topic How do i this mechanics in platform. Shooting with particles to direction of mouse cursor
i have this same problem -.-