I need help somebody who has smartphone with android to check my game.
this is game: dl.dropbox.com/u/44710358/MEMORY-debug.apk
yeah my opponents are invisible but when i shot in this place enemy are been killed even if he invisible so opponents are only in camouflage.I want spawn enemyies when i need this
I want place few foes but i want set event when i click button: show enemies
how do this?
Can you write a tutorial where player has time (not points)?
if faster i go thru te levels score are better (?)
how a nice examples !
shadowedsol try to rotate blue sprite witm 8 mov behavior and click, text are rotated too
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Hi, I have just made the game just do not know how to do high scores, read the tutorials but my English is not good because I do not understand how it works (I just can not figure out).
It would be nice if someone could implement a table with the description of what to do.
interesting game :)
Can you post a tutorial how to do tables highscores? For example, the better the time, the better the end result?
Great! Please tell me before i something do wrong, what i should change to get game with 3 pairs of cards or 4 pairs.
Ize how to connect my game with your high score capx?
i have 4k reputation Thanks scirra!! ;p
Ashley i have weird bug when i refresh page "Error executing child request for /error.aspx." and i have 30+ Devote badge :D
Very curious to me how you did it. This is kind of simple game but what fun
i do something with mouse scroll, change layout size when scroll up 'zoom in 1/2' or scrool down 'zoom out 1/2' But i dont kono how to do smoothly