kalon's Forum Posts

  • 13 posts
  • I'm not sure this is possible. I'd like to have a file browser dialog so that users could import avatars. Did I mis this or is it not possible? Perhaps there is a work around?


  • Great!

    Seems like there should be a simpler way but it certainly helps to look though what you've done.

    My seven year old son will be thrilled as well. The whole design of this game was his idea. I'll post it later. :)


  • Hoping someone can help me out on what seems to be a simple problem.

    I'm making a simple math game for kids and want to have a problem display and the answer in a random location. I figured it would be as easy as doing

    question text string:


    then a correct answer text string


    Question displays fine but the answer only shows the first integer. How can I convert the entire string so that it gives the result?

    I thought about making two sets of variables which could be put together in the question and then added together for the answer but this seems like it would become overly complicated as I start adding levels with other operands, carrying and the like.

  • Hi Ashley, Thanks for looking in to it. I found the problem though I've not thought about why it doesn't work.

    I've run Linux and have been using Constuct2 in virtual box. I have a folder which is shared with the host and usually export directly to this folder; this apparently brakes it. Exporting the files to the desktop then moving them upon completion worked just fine.

    Thanks again for the follow up. :)

  • I've just tried using the node-webkit output looking to make a file for linux. It generates three files in linux32 and 64 but no executables. one library: libffmpegsumo.so

    one .pak file

    and a third which seems it should be executable but is 0 bytes.

    I tried this with my own project as well as a couple example projects.

    Can you think of some I'm doing wrong?

  • Okay, I've adjusted the end screen so that clip happy kids who can't get even one correct answer will be gently urged to try again.

    Fixed the glitch with the fly not getting destroyed - tried enlarging the target but that created other problems so in the end just made the flies destroy on overlap with the eyes.

    Adjusted the timing of the cricket chirps though I left the buzzing on mouse over flies. - I think the kids will like it.

    In regards to restricting the length of plays name, seems to me that it's not a big deal. If someone wants to quote war and peace then by all means do. For the most part The name is only so I keep track of which of my students are playing.

    One problem is touch action. I tried to implement it but I'm unsure how to make it work with my current scroll method, which is a [system scroll to position] [lerp(scrollx, mouse.X, 0.5*dt)]

    Any ideas on how to implement this so that they don't conflict?

    Thanks for the tips.

  • Thanks for the suggestions. The glitch with the fly not getting destroyed was pissing me off but I was unsure of how to fix it.

    Ramones, your probably right about the congratulations for nothing. Sarcasm doesn't work so well with young kids and I'd hate to break their confidence before they even get to double digit math. ;)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Well I've finally done it!

    I had already customized the matching game from kittiewan to make a phonics game for kids but I've now (mostly) finished my very first game from scratch.

    I was going to put it up on the arcade but though I'd post it here first so that I could get suggestions on how to improve it.

    It's a basic little math game for young children, primarily made just for my own students but I'm happy to share with anyone who thinks it will be helpful.

    Please have a look.


    Also here is my .capx file.


    If anyone has time to look through it and suggest way to make it work better that would be great as there are some buggy actions and I'm sure my code is a little scrambled.

    Looking forward to feedback! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Looks like I can get the proper behavior if I just move the one instance of the tongue instead of spawning new ones. I'm sure to run into more trouble later though so it's nice to know there is such a great community here.

  • Hi everyone,

    I'm having a little trouble. I'm making a game where a frogs tongue uses a bullet movement towards the mouse upon click. So of course there should be only one instance of the tongue at any time. Seems like this should be easy but nothing is working.

    I gave the tongue an instance variable set to false.

    made a mouse click condition with an inverted check of the tongues variable.

    and one the tongue is created set the variable to true.

    I tried a couple other ways as well. Am I doing this right?

    One possible problem is that I'm using r88. I tried to revert back to r84 to test there but was unable to open the file because of a complaint that it was from a newer version.

    Any help would be great appreciated.

  • Ok, I came across this post


    Turns out I had downloaded a bata with a bug. Switching to a stable relese fixed the problem.

    Good to see there has been a change to the download page to make it more clear what version is being downloaded.

    Keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to working with Construct 2 more. :)

  • Hello,

    I'm new to Construct 2. I'm looking to create simple games to help my students and think Constuct 2 might be the best way to do this but I'm having trouble.

    I've started with just the example files given with the program. They play just fine when previewed from Construct's webserver but when I export anything all I get in the browser is a black screen with the made with contruct 2 hypertext on the bottom.

    I'm running Construct on winXP within Virtualbox box because I'm a linux user but I don't think that should be a problem. I've tried running the exported files from a local file, my Apache server, and dropbox. Always the same problem. I use firefox both within XP and on linux but also tried from my android phone's browser. Still the same black screen.

    The example file should play just fine as it shouldn't they? I did try another users game file exported from my Construct 2 setup but still the same problem.

    I'm not trying to make anything too fancy but I am interested in helping my students and would love to use Construct 2 to make these simple games.

    Hope someone can help me figure out what's going wrong.

  • I'm an English teacher in Thailand. I'm interested in making fun ways for my students to learn and review what I teach in class, Construct 2 looks like it might be just the tool I need.

  • 13 posts