kaiko's Forum Posts

  • having got an error when loading a .capx file from an external developer I realized it was due to the fact he was using a newer version of a plugin than I had installed.

    it was quickly fixed with the awesome rex_repo tool,(imho it should be incorporated in C2)

    Maybe C2 should check which version of the plugin was used when opening .capx files, so it could tell you directly instead of downloading and testing all versions of said plugin.

    as my projects are growing i'm starting to get the need of reusing code.

    it would be awesome if the event sheets were external files and just used the .capx as a project file, then in any project where you needed to reuse cod you could just add import the external event file.

    is there a html5(cloud) version of construct under development?

  • Link to .capx file (required! If link is blocked remove the http and www parts):


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. create a container with 2 objects

    2. run createobject on container, objects inside container does now have different coordinates than when created.


    Observed result:

    objects inside container is not on same position as when created

    Expected result:

    objects would remain same position as when created

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: yes

    Operating system & service pack:

    winxp sp3

    Construct 2 version:


  • this bug still hasnt been rectified?

    i doenloaded latest release (152) but the behavior is the same.

    while im at it im also wondering about the JSON plugin timeframe?

  • thanks!

    this was what i was looking for: construct.net/en

  • is there any way I can create an iframe and load an eternal web page in it,

    like a popup that i can control from C2

    quite simply , i just want to create a window render some html then have a button to close the window,this without reloading page or change browser location, is it possible with current version of C2?

  • I would like to see the following features in construct 2:

    timer functions

    (because using incrementing a variable on every tick is messy)

    .svg image support

    (perhaps it will make it easier with responsive design if all sprites are vector based?)

    editable code (text)

    (using nested ifs aren't easy with event view).

    be able to build and link libraries that is also written in C2.

    (make your commonly used functions into a library that you can use inside C2.

    JSON support(but i hear its planed).

    load gfx and sound to localstorage and read from there.

    to be able to run things in parallel

    (maybe html5 worker threads can be used)

  • Ashley,yes!,that is correct, the bug is that lastdata isnt set even though the request returns data.


  • sorry, I do use sp3 did a typo.

    I may have been wrong it might trigger on error but it does not get the ajax.lastdata if there is an httpcode of 400.(the browser continues to read the same url,but maybe this is not ok for ajax?

    what my rest is doing:

    if you dot send correct in data it will give an httpcode of 400 and output the error message in xml, as this: dev.canvaramanager.com/vlt/api/api.php

    now i want construct to atleast return the lastdata so i can properly display an error message,

    yeah i know i can remove the setting of httpcode from the rest api but then i would violate best practices of rest.

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  • Steps to reproduce:

    1. make a ajax get request to a rest service that responds with httpcode 400

    2. watch the code freeze and not go to on error method

    Observed result:

    not entering method

    Expected result:

    on error triggered

    Browsers affected:

    Firefox: yes

    Operating system & service pack:

    win xp serv pack 2

    Construct 2 version:

        rel 146

  • is there a JSON plugin out there that is as easy to use as the xml lugin?

    i currently use xml as my protocol but as it is larger in size compared to json i want to switch, running ajax requests on mobiles over poor networks, you really want to keep the traffic down..

  • How doI save audio and images to localStorage and later use them?

    instead of loading all data everytime the user plays,why not cache items in html5-localStorage?

  • to clarify the purpose of this application:

    I am making a lottery picker where you select 4 numbers from 1 to 35 and press go, upon go I make a ajax request to my server who will respond with the winning combination, then a wining animation will be displayed on those winning numbers.


    to make 35 buttons and have them highlighted when clicking is no problem but now I muust take result from server and generate selected winning numbers animation but how can I reach these objects who are all instances but have an instance variable (between 1 and 35 as identifier)

    How do I capture an object based on instance variable?

  • You want to be able to set a variable, but you can't use the variable?

    I don't see the logic..

    If every object in the same container has the same instance variable, wouldn't that be usefull?

    If you would use a local variable that is a number you could set a text-variable by setting its text to: "i"&localvariable

    so for the first one the text variable would be "i1", the second "i2", etc..

    But it seems I'm not understanding your question..

    And I'm even starting to question my own logic, haha..

    but i cannot access the object by "i1"..

    so setting a instance variable doesn't help me making 35 unique buttons

    I need to be able to make button 10 to light up, i need to catch input like button 35 was pressed.

  • Piotr,cool!

    do you mind spilling the beans?

    I couldn't find anything on your link that pertained to this problem.

  • im not sure what you mean, but i dont think so based on the fact that i cannotuse the variable to get the container

    i need to link the variable i to the container so that i can read and modify the container