Dear i would like to know the number of the sine cycle/period since it's enabled on my sprite ?
Any ideas ?
Dear if some condition are added to my condition sheet my HUD layer is invisible
If i remove the last condition the layer is show.
I don't understand why ? it is a bug ?
Dear i have a tilemap done with tiled software with multiple layout.
How can i do to import these one and how can i do to deal with the différent layers ?
Thanks in advance
Thank's that clear now.
Perhaps you can cheat this. By pinning the sprite object at a certain point to another object, whose pivot point is in a different place relative to the first object's pivot point.
Perhaps you can cheat this.
By pinning the sprite object at a certain point to another object, whose pivot point is in a different place relative to the first object's pivot point.
I will try that.
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Dear all.
Could you explain the purpose of the lerp function ?
Thanks for reply
Hi , how can i do to change an image point via "Event.
The goal is the usage of a Sine Size effect that i would like to occured from the middle of my sprite ( my current default origin start at upper left and i don't want to change that)