K1ra's Forum Posts

  • 11 posts
  • I have experience doing rpgs on rpg maker, long time ago. I never did a proper rpg though, most of my project where side-scrolling action games using rpg elements from the engine. Using construct I have a little experience (I'm working on a small project right now, to see if it's worth to buy a personal license), but I can code almost everything I have on mind. I'm also learning how to do sprites.

  • As Cademan said, you should start with a small project. Also, an RPG requires a lot of coding, if you want to go ahead with the project you will probably need the personal license of C2. That being said, I can help if you want to.

  • You can create game for android with the personal license. The free version only allows you to create browser games.

  • As far as I know, you can be sued.

  • First, I think the term MOBA it's being used wrong. It's more like a Multiplayer RTS Arena. That being said, the game looks good, I'm sure it will look better with the real art instead of the placeholder. I hope to see a pc version sometime!

  • It looks awesome! I would love to see a demo soon.

  • I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who will participate on a LD for the first time.

  • Upload your file to dropbox or mediafire and share the link on the forums.

  • Maybe you can use these as a base to create yours.

    Remove the brackets.


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • I'm playing Earthbound again! And getting a lot of inspiration from it for my game.

  • I started doing games 5 years ago on game maker (I didn't upload anything tho, most of the games I did was for learning purposes). I started to use construct 2 months ago and I'm in love. I'm hoping to release my first game soon, and save enough money to buy the personal license.

  • 11 posts