Juzkhain's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • Thanks to both of you, I eill try to learn more abput arrays and find if it solves my problems.


  • Hi to everyone! I've recently started a new project that clearly exceeds my knowledge of the program, so i'm going to need a lot of help. Through this I expect getting to understand better the basics of the program and be able to solve my own problems.

    Here is my doubt:

    How can I identify an object by a certain instance variable?

    I mean, I have an object with two instance variables, positionX and positionY, an a grid formed by squares, each of which have two instance variables, positonX and positionY.

    How can I make that the object appears on the square that have the same vallues at positionX and positionY that the sprite have?

    Can I do something like: "set X to square(positionx=Sprite.positionx).x" ?

    Yes, I've tried this and of course didn't worked.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Thanks, is not exactly what I was searching, but it is giving me a lot of ideas to solve my problem!

    Thank you so!

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  • Hello everyone.

    I'm working on a game with a 3d lateral perspective, and my question is, how do I make a sprite that can climb ramps or ladders? I've tried several things, and all of them seem to work properly more or less, but I'm sure that there have to be some way to make it easier.

    What i'm trying to explain is that when the character is moving normal everything is ok, but when it finds a ramp or a ladder, I don't know how to make that diagonal up or down movement to represent that it is climbing the ladder.

    I'm having problems making a ramp that only could be climbed from the front or back, but not from the sides, and neither do I know how to make the character to fall for a few pixels if it falls from a small high.

    Thank you so much, I don't now if I've been able to explain my problem, english is not my first language.

  • Mother of god! it was really obvious! How can I have been so dumb!

    Thank you to every one so much!

  • Hi, I have started usig Construct 2 recently and prety sure I'll have to send tons of questions. I hope every one will understand.

    My problem right now us this one:

    I've make a sprite with a variable of health, the initial value of this variable is 100. I've created some item that heal the character: when the sprite of the character is on collision with the sprite of the healer, add 20 to the health value. It's very simple as you see.

    How can I made that the value health never rise above 100? In other words, how can I made 100 the maximum value for the variable health?

    Any kind of help will be welcomed, thank you much!

    Sorry about my bad english

  • 6 posts