justme5555's Forum Posts

  • i have a value of 8 numbers and i want insert at index 3 " - " how I do that?

    like : 5554444 original / to 555-4444

  • dropbox/s/u5q13yg86cewtlf/allow%20only%20digits.c3p?dl=0




  • nvm i manage to do it.

    but if i change the global variable to number it will not be read by txt object.

    would have upload the capx but i cant

    dont have yet 500 rep

  • hi

    How do I allow only digits in sting or global object ?

  • thank you very much i learn a lot .

  • thank you

    it work by using container.

    what i did is: select box and than make container and added text.

    event 1 ) on start of layout, txt set position by object = box

    event 2 ) every 2 sec, create object = box on floor random x/y + make boolean "new" = true

    sub event ) if new = true , wait 1.5 sec set boolean new = false.

    event 3) if box overlap box + box new = true, delete box

    by doing that i mange delete only the new box+txt and prevent new box be created on top of other boxes.

    but i dint understand how to do what you suggest with "UID"

    "function to pick your squares to be deleted by UID"

    can you pls show me how its done.

  • hi

    i build a game that place random squares instances across the layout and in every square there is txtQuestion = text object

    now every time there is 2 square instances that overlap each other i want to destroy them the square and the txt

    i tried do:

    event 1 = when 2 square overlap = instance variable square and txt = overlap /true

    event 2 = if squre and txt = instance variable overlap true

    action = delete square , delete txt

    the 2 square are been deleted but txt delete all the txt over the layout

    what can i do

    or what is a better way to prevent object respawn on another object

    and sorry about my English.

  • ok thank you i will try it.

  • i guess it wont work at construct 3 ?

    i dont know how to install the plugin

  • it is possible ?

    i tried to look at forum and saw 2015 post that say it cant be done.

    if yes how can i change the colors of individual letters in a word ?

    i want to build a game that the gamer use keyboard to type a word if the letter is correct the letter of the word that display in middle of the screen are turn to green if not to red

    typing game

    like user input "H"

    word display = home

    h turn to green if not to red.

  • netdzynr thank you very much for your help it works fine.

    dop2000 I tried to Implement what showed in the image but it didn't work

    construct 3 crush

    both of you thank you for the help.

  • i have a list of words

    that 1 word appear randomly and I want to make a button clue that shows the word but with X in 2-3 of the word instead of letters.

    like : randomly = ranXoXly

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  • thank you very much kriand

    i tried some many ways to do this

    for/for each/repeat

    some of the time they work but other not.

    who knew that all i need is to compare between two values and add 1 after the action i want to make this loop work fine.

    TY again.

  • hi

    i write global variable that have random number

    i going to set value of global variable [ floor(random(0,20)) ]

    and the number that is coming out its the number of objects i want to remove form the family

    how i do that ?

    what kind of object or order is not important.