justintime0185's Forum Posts

  • Set to x worked slightly, but didn't wrap and snap to the other side of the layout.

  • I was thinking of having the backgrounds wrap, but it contradicts something else I want to do, so I'd rather quick snapping 4 direction sight.

  • I've had this idea for a simple adventure game with a twist of combat.

    It's in first person and uses 2D images of course.

    With construct I have to make sacrifises, though. For an example, construct 2 doesn't have seamless wrap like that ice level in sonic 3.

    When the player, or in this case, 'Camera' goes to the end of the screen, it snaps to the other side instead of wrapping seamlessly. Old jrpgs do this too in their over worlds. So, to make up for this, I was thinking of having the 'player' or 'camera' snap or teleport to a certain amount of pixels to the left or right to simulate looking straight, left, right, and back. That ammount of pixels should perfectly snap to each direction and basically simulates the same effect that happens when wrapped only with every 'touch' of the on screen left and right arrows.

    If there are any tips to how I could do this, I would really appreciate the advice. I am playing around with set vector x on touch, but it doesn't seem to go the full length of pixels I put in.

    If there is no advice and no hope, then I will just destroy the 4th or "south" wall and work with the three directions as opposed to 4. Thank you guys so much.

  • Yes but what about the up and down keys? How do I get the animation to play either left or right walk animations when pressing up or down based on which direction the player was facing.

    Oh gosh. I Apologize greatly! It works fine. I just misinterpreted the 'Set to mirrored' and didn't understand how it works. It works fine now. Thank you so much, and sorry again. Just had to re-read the code to understand it. Because I was initially doing something similar, and it at first sounded like a broken record until I realized the difference between on holding, and on pressed. Also, I didn't understand that set mirrored actually SETS it to mirrored and doesn't reset after the code was initiated. Silly me.

  • Yes but what about the up and down keys? How do I get the animation to play either left or right walk animations when pressing up or down based on which direction the player was facing.

  • That didn't work.

    Any clues?

  • If its like "after left key pressed, hold up key and L animation place." However, I'm not sure if it will work.

  • I have an animation of a velociraptor walking left, I've made the left and right variants of this. When I press up or down nothing happens. So, that's awkward. I tried playing with the mirror functon but that just snaps it in the fixed area. So, if my raptor is walking left in game and I press up, the raptor will snap the the right variant of the animation.

    Now, I recently thought maybe if I add the on pressed left key and on held up key, as an event and do the same for the right key, maybe it will work.

  • Thanks. I figured I could do that for jumping or play with the collision in the animation.

    I still need assistance with the I direction movement. I know how to implement it. But Im having trouble with having the animation mirror based on which direction the player was previously facing when pressing up or down. Basically, I don't have or want an up or down animation. I want the animation to automatically be my left or right one. Because every time I press up, the animation snaps to the side I set it as. Like, if the character is walking left and then stops, when I press up to move up, the 'Walk' animation should play depending on where the player is facing instead of snapping to either left or right. Does anyone understand what I mean?

  • Anyone? Please?

    Been trying to figure out a method all day.

    The walk animation only goes left and right. I cant seems to make the animation play when pressing up or down, depending on which direction the player is facing (Left or right.).

  • I'm making a game that's kind of sand-box like. But, the graphics style is (So far) beat em up with two way animation. So there is a left and right walk animation only, but the player can move 8 directions. My issue, is having the animation continue depending on which direction the player is facing. I also want to add jumping with 8 way movement. Not sure how I would do that but I have an idea.

  • I'm working on a project that uses old school

    Crpg style first person. It's going to be horror based.

    How it works is when the player steps on a certain tIle, the system creates the 3D images that I rendered in 2D pngs based on which tile is being stepped on. I plan for there to be combat in that there will be five invisible tiles in front of the player that represent distance and sight. When an enemy or object is on the tile it will display as if its first person and when the enemy steps on the tiles that get close to the player, the program will conjure those images. However all the tech is hidden in a mini map in 2D. It's mostly just fake 3D in that theirs not even raycasting. It's just a series of images that are conjured based on the tile the player stepped on.

    To break it down: Theirs two views. One is the 2D view thats like a mini map. The other is a 3D view that shows 3D-2D rendered images. The 2D view is required to initiate these rendered images.

    Anyway, I just need some direction on a few things. I got it partially working.

    1. Is it possible to have the image change based on my players direction. I want it to have four way movement. Right now the images displayed are one direction. However, I got the distance to change based on movement. Think of the game 'QuestLord' on ios and android.

    2. Tile based movement and tank control: I can probably figure out tile based movement but tank control might need to be programmed manually. Because, yeah theirs a tank control option, but it's too fluent. I need it to just turn immediately to north, south, east, or west, and still require the up key to move straight instead of slowly turning.

    3. Walls: a problem with the tile based enemy combat is that if the player is facing a wall, and theirs an enemy on the other side, the first person view will show the enemy as if its standing in the wall. I need to find a way to counter this.

    If anyone has made a game like this, please Share your ideas and tech. It's mostly an experiment on my part to see if I can make something with good graphic but that uses and requires very little space to play and run.

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  • I'll give this a shot. Thanks a lot. Super elaborate.

  • It doesn't seem to want to change the set no matter how hard I try.

    Like, its almost as if the variable or text needs to be destroyed and recreated to work...

  • I tried timed event. Didn't work.