justintime0185's Forum Posts

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  • thanks folks (Sorry for the late response.)

    I The reason why I couldn't really share it was because I had lost the damn thing. But I'm going to test that same idea out again. With new knowledge!

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  • I ended up just creating an object and storing the value of the each characters attack in it depending on who's turn it was.

    It seemed to work okay. But I'll try that next time. Thanks a lot!

  • Bahaha. Yeah I figured it out. XD


  • Working on an rpg.

    Having trouble making two of the same object do damage to the other reletive to their stats.

    The problem is, whenever the player character attacks the enemy, it does the enemies damage as oppose to the characters.

    Trying to figure the string to make the system understand.

    I tried "Subtract Character.Health& Character.UIDx"

    But when i do that the code doesn't work at all. Anyone got any ideas?

  • Hey folks.

    I was just wonder if there is any quicker way to keep track of damage of a character.

    Right now I find myself having to, for example

    If Enemy Strength is = to 1 subtract 1 from Player.

    If Enemy Strength is = to 2 subtract 2 from player.

    Is there a more simple way to do this, than just slightly changing the same code over and over?

    I might have to do that with the 'HP' text as well, which displays the amount of health a character has.

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  • Yes. The problem is that the event seems to repeat over rand over again. I notice that 'finding the path' is constantly switching between 'True' and 'false'.

  • Thanks. Thats a good idea, actually for the priority.

    I'll add the capx drive.google.com/drive/folders ... Waryk-pGYr youre probably right but I'm not sure how to correct it.

  • I've made something of a life sim. It works okay.

    I have the NPC's do things depending on the value of instance variables.

    So, I have hunger, thirst, toilet, and entertainment. Those values start at 10, and

    when they get below 4, the npc must go to the associated need.

    I also have an 'Action' text variable that checks what the npc is doing.

    so, when the npc gets to say, the shower, or water, the 'Action' variable' will switch to

    'Showering' or 'Drinking'

    I also have ones called 'Walking to x'. So, like, 'Walking to water' or, 'Walking to t.v' .

    The only problem is that I'm having trouble figuring out how to have it so, once the

    npc gets to the location, it stops. I've by passed this somehow. I probably set path finding 'Set to disabled' on collision or something. I can't remember and Construct didn't save the damn thing properly. Anyway, its still confusing for the npc, and myself, as when I check the 'Action' variable, it can't seem to make up its mind.

    I would like to figure out how to make the npc finish the task before moving on to the next.

    Also, how do I have certain things have more of a priority over other things?

    So, for an example, thirst, and food, is obviously more important than entertainment.

    It still worked, but it didn't seem efficient for when I want to add animations and such.

  • Thanks, folks! Figured it out.

  • I created a world map that takes up half of the screen.

    I'm racking my brain trying to enable and disable on object touch.

    I'm not sure how to switch between two variables on the same button.

    So, say I touch the main player character, on touching the character I want it to enable and disable the map.

    I use to know functions and variables a bit better but its been a while and now I'm just getting frustrated.

    Also not sure how to disable things if invisible.

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  • Hey man, sorry I actually figured it out.

    For some reason the camera tends to jolt making me think its not working when it is. Thanks.

  • Just trying to move an object 90 degrees on button press without moving from the tile the object is in.

    I had started making a grid based movement system. It worked for a little while, but I can't remember how I did it.

    I figured out moving up, and down every 32 pixels.

    left and right is what I forgot how to do. I remember it required some sort of code.

    Problem is, I try to do it now, (on key pressed left & right, turn at angle rotate clockwise/counter clockwise appropriately.) It worked before. But I started over due to code salad.

    A better way to describe it is, tank controls. But, grid based.

    It works the first time, on press left, but the second time I press left, the character seems to move to a different tile...