justifun's Forum Posts

  • You won't have to worry about the size of each sprite.

    You can also gain more control over hit boxes and collisions if you ignore using the default collision boxes and use invisible sprites as hitboxes/collision instead. This way you can enable/disable them at different points throughout your sprites animation. With the default one assigned to your sprite its always on.

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  • I forget if you need to add a / character before the % or you need to double quotation it ""%""

    You got the & correct.

    "text1" & "text2"

  • There's a few different ways, but one of the easiest ones for me to wrap my head around is this.

    Sprite (on collision with object) -> find nearest (text)

    then in a sub event

    text -> destroy

    The trick is making the text/destroy action a sub event of the previous event that "picks" or selects the nearest text (this narrows it down to only the closest one that gets destroyed instead of all of them.)

  • There seems to be a bug if you keep clicking back and forth between "pin only distance" and "pin only angle" it gets all screwy.

  • Another fantastic software package for creating particle effects is this


  • I recently found a way to boost performance on the android platform for html 5 based games. There's an alternative browser you can installed called "Dolphin". Its been around for a long time, but has never been as popular as firefox or chrome. They have an addon for it (also in the market) called "Dolphin Jetpack" Which is designed for accelerating HTML5 apps. When you load up a game it asks you if you want to enable "game mode". On my kindle fire, i was getting less than 10 fps on lots of different games, but now i can get over 40 fps on the same game using this method.

    The only thing i noticed is that some games didn't work with sound on the kindle fire using this method. Please report back which device you've tried this on and if sound works correctly.

    Here are the links to the apps in the appbrain store

    Dolphin Browser


    Dolphin Jetpack


  • Here is a promissing results. I ran the benchmarks on my kindle fire 1st gen with the dolphin browser. And the dolphin jetpack add ons. It enhances html5 games. I got around 35 fps and a score of 36. Much better than the default browser.

  • In order to compensate for different resolutions etc, you need initialize your game at the start based on lots of different variables. You can look up information such as screen width, orientation, desktop vs mobile etc and then adjust your artwork at the start of the game so that when it plays it utilizes different scales or speeds or artwork.

    So for example, you could change the paralaxing speeds of your backgrounds depending on if you are on mobile or on desktop.

    At the beginning of the game check the type of device its running on, then adjust accordingly.

    You could have completely different artwork for small screens vs large ones. depends how complicated you want to get. The easiest solution is to design your game with these restraints in mind. Place the information you need on screen in clever places, or take out un nessary things if you are playing on a tiny screen for example.

  • I tried it on a motarolla xoom with their default browser and it ran very slowly (canvas 2d). i'll see if they can install chrome on it and run it again. And i'll try the kindle fire and report back.

  • Anyone testing on an original kindle fire? How's the performance, do any of the browsers you can get for it (stock, firefox, chrome, opera) support directcanvas?

  • Here's a decent free one too


  • Here's my demo reel. I'm a professional animator by trade.


    I've spent 2 years in the game industry on top of the TV/Film work i've done, I worked as an animator on the Bourne Conspiracy and Dark Void.

  • You can use the exporter awesomonium to do that.

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