justifun's Forum Posts

  • Give a variable to each player called "active"

    When they spawn set active to 1

    When they die, set "active" to 0

    system player1.active=0 AND player2.active=0 -> end game

  • You should read up on the concept of "picking" objects in Construct. You need to specify which object needs to have actions applied to it. Right now you are probably "picking" all of them.

    There's many different ways of picking a specific object. Can you post a screenshot of how your game works to help us better suggest the easiest solution?

  • matiascastro.bandcamp.com

    Awesome video game music for only $7 a album of 10 songs.

    great stuff, take a look er...listen!

  • R0J0hound - Couldnt you also just calculate the z order by placing a image point in the upper left corner of the box and sort using that?

    For each Family1 ordered by Family1.ImagePointY(1) ascendeing

    --- Family1 move to top

  • You can fake an isometric jump by leaving your movment stuff on your black box, then adding a sprite that follows above it. When the player jump, you simply increase the Y value of where it lands to appear as if its up on a higher level. So once they go up a step, they would be jumping starting from 10, instead of zero for example. The movement sprite always stays on the ground though.

  • I love C2 for the fact that you don't have to type out endless code in the traditional sense being an artist. I can visually understand the list of events much quicker and easier. Its like speaking plain english when i read through what's going on. And you can beat the immediate satisfaction of being able to play something as quickly as throwing on a platform behavior for example and a ground plane. Very few game engines allow you to immediately get your creative ideas out there and iterate.

    C2 is amazing!

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  • Yes of course



    gives you the image point 1 location of sprite.

  • Hrmm, seems a a bit more difficult managing 2 seperate tilemaps.

    I guess at the start of the layout one could loop through their first decorative tilemap, and change its corresponding collision tilemap square on or off depending on what type of tile.

    seems easier from a design standpoint to simply combine the two functionalities.

    Is it too difficult to have a per tile solid checkbox?

  • Resetting the dialogs worked! how odd.

    problem solved!

  • Is it possible to call the browser File/Print dialog box from within C2? or would i need to call some external code to do that?

    I'd like to find a way to provide the option to print a hard copy of a screen of my game.


  • Sounds like you want to make some sort of endless runner, check the tutorials section, theres a few example.

  • This works fine for me in 152 on windows 7 64 bit

  • Add a tilemap object to your scene

    it will load a default tilemap bg

    use the open button to choose your own tilemap

    on the properties panel on the left side of the screen there are options to see how big each of your tiles are etc, so it knows how to break them up.

    No pick a tile by clicking on it from the tilemap menu (might be hidden as a tab next to the objects window depending on your screen layout.

    pick the pencil icon and chooose a tile in the window below and start drawing in the game play area,

    you can also pick the rentancle tool and choose an area of tiles in the tilemap window eg: a 3x3 block then click and drag to draw a 9 patch rectangle of tiles


  • Ashley

    Now that we have per tile collision is there a way to remove the collision box on certain tiles in the tilemap? eg: mountain tiles? The editor doesn't seem to allow you to delete all collision box points for a particular tile.

    It seems the only way to do it right now is to simply delete the tile you want to remove collision on. Thus requiring 2 tilemaps if you want to use one for a bg artwork and one on top for collisions, is that correct? or is this functionality simply not added yet.

    am i correct that you need to add a solid behavior to the tilemap object to get per tile colissions working?


  • Hovering the mouse over a tile in the tilemap window as described in the beta release notes does not appear to work.

    windows 7 74 bit - C2 152 beta