justifun's Forum Posts

  • Place a circle sprite and scale it to the size of the dotted line.

    then do a check

    If redbox is overlapping circle area

    AND redbox is NOT overlapping inner blue circle -> Loss

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  • There's also a "push out solids" behavour that rex rainbow made that you can just add to your object, and they won't overlap.

  • You can make a invisible box, and assign the bullet behavior to that.

    Then assign "pin" behavior to the image, but only pin it in "position"

    that way it will always face upright while moving via the bullet behaviour

  • on key "left" pressed - set raptor to mirrored

    on key right pressed - set raptero to not mirrored

    he will stay facing whichever last direction you pressed.

  • Someone also made a behavior for shaking objects.

  • you need to use the "find path" again instead.

    since its a new layout.

  • Skvor - Great artwork btw!

  • Ideally you would set up a bunch of different "states" for your character. and assign him a variable called "state".

    if: state = "walking" -> do walking animations etc.

    and make seperate conditions for each state he might get into.

    this allows you to group a number of actions together and he will be able to do lots of different things depending on the movment required and which animation needs to be played.

    then one simple way to pick which state he'd go into randomly is

    every X seconds - set enemy.state to = choose ['walk', 'sleep', 'run', 'pushups']

    so it will randomly throw him into a new state every x seconds.

    or base it on other conditions like.

    while enemy.state = "walk" -> every 1 second, add 1 to enemy.walkingsteps.

    if enemy.walkingsteps > 100 - set enemy.state to "sleep"

  • Check out http://quirktools.com/screenfly

    You can test your game on various device sizes (and custom resolutions).

    Simply type your C2 local ip into the URL to test your game locally eg:

  • http://quirktools.com/screenfly/

    is a handy tool for testing different screen sizes.

    just type in your local C2 IP address as the URL you want to test eg:

  • beatem up movement is best handled by 8 direction movement,

    jumping in an isometric beatem up is tough to get looking right (including dealing with obstacles and if you can jump ontop of them/ walk off them etc.

    so if your new to C2, try skipping jumping in beatemups for now.

  • you simply want to make you movement of your character have an 8 direction movement on it (without rotating the angle) so that you character can walk up and down the fake perpective ground.

    Then place the bushes on the ground as needed. And only draw the collision box for the bushes around the bottom like you drew the red area.

    Then you add a condition that checks if the player is above or below the bushes, and puts the player or the bush in front or behind the player in Z order. (this concept is called "Z-Sorting" if you want to read up more about it.

    There are a few plugins that make this easier to handle.

    Here's one by rex rainbow

    https://github.com/downloads/rexrainbow ... zSorter.7z

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  • 1) you can use the touch object to keep track of who's pressing in which area of the screen to control different players as one solution eg: 4 quadrants)

    2) there's a "photon" plugin for making multiplayer games in construct for use with multiple devices and also check out this plugin someone is working on

    there is a construct 2 plugin for it. allows for multiple plays on one screen, like good old couch co op games. each player uses their phone as a controller

  • Wow Can't wait to try it out!