justifun's Forum Posts

  • you set its position to x = random (0,100)

    and its y position to =random(0,100)

  • Gigatron - that's a pretty neat example, but i was thinking more along the lines of can you inverse the vingnette effect on the edges, so that the middle area is darker and the edges are more lit. So that it would feel like the back wall behind the player is further away from you instead of popping out at you.

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  • Would it be possible to have a checkbox or option to flip the effect so that it looks like you are looking into a concave tower? Like if the player was inside the tube instead of outside?


  • Yaottabyte - any chance you can take a look at this plz?


  • the link I posted works for me. Does it not for you?

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/403 ... eshold.zip

  • Here is the scirra forum threa about the plugin.

  • To give back to the community I've hired a developer friend of mine to produce a Construct 2 Plugin of the 2D Skeleton Animation package Nima (https://www.2dimensions.com/)

    Nima is currently Free in Beta!

    Since it works in a web browser it supports Mac and PC (not sure about linux)

    Official Nima Beginner Video Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... VzT_UFrBRv

    Proof of concept: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/403 ... index.html

    Plugin Download: https://github.com/quinnhoener/Nima-Web ... /c2_plugin

    Example CAPX: https://u403350.dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/403350/Nima-Plugin-example.capx

    Currently only supports C2 - C3 coming soon.

    Current Features:

    Playing specific Animations

    Changing animation speed (-1 to 1) negative for reverse, 0.5 for halfspeed


    Mesh Deformation

    Nima Animation "Events" (trigger a construct action at a specific frame in your animation)


    Nima Collision boxes support

    How to use:

    -Download and unzip the plugin from the above download link.

    -Copy the nima-c2-plugin folder to your Construct plugins folder.

    -Restart Construct.

    -Add the Nima plugin to your project by double clicking the layout.

    The sprite editor will open where you can choose a still image of your character for size reference.

    Close the animation editor.

    Exporting your project from Nima.

    After you are done animating in Nima go to the Export button in the lower right corner of Nima and click Export/Export to Engine and specify WEBGL at the top of the screen.

    A .nima file will begin downloading.

    There's a few more steps to get it up and running.

    Back in C2 In the project window on the right. Right click the "Files" folder and pick Import and choose the exported .nima file that you just downloaded.

    With the nima object selected in the properties window on the left you need to specify a few fields.

    Nima Data URL: the name of the .nima file you imported with extension eg: Player.nima (note this IS case sensitive)

    Start Anim: The name of the animation you want to play by default (no quotes, and this IS case sensitive)

    Base Width/Height: set these values to the height and width of your still image version of your character that you added when you added the nima object to your scene. This establishes the proper aspect ratio of your character when it renders at runtime.

    Press play to see your animation running in game!


    If you get a Javascript error its most likely due to typing an animation name or property setting without matching the case sensitivity of the correct file name or animation name.

    If the aspect ratio of your character is strange , make sure Base Height and Width is set correctly to the same width and height of your single frame image of your character design that you imported at the beginning.

    Bugs: Please either submit bugs in this thread or in the github bugs section.

    And finally. special thanks for castor2d for making Nima!

    And my buddy for writing the plugin.

  • Is the new "remote preview" feature missing for anyone else too? In the blog post its supposed to show up next to the regular preview menu.

  • you can check if the character is X pixels away from the ground with the "on collision with offset" action to see how far away from the ground he is.

    or you can simply make him jump again by using the action "simulate input "jump" to force him to jump again regardless of his state.

  • you can use a disable collission action on an object based on whatever condition you setup.

    or you can use a plugin like chipmunk phyics that has collision groups and prevent certain objects from colliding with others based on that group.

    for your top down game example question.

    make the water a solid object. Then if the player is next to a rock block. and pushes up (to push the block into the water lets say). you can use the "on collision at offset" action to check if there's water behind the rock, and if so, disable the collision on the water, and move the block into its position.

  • http://www.2dgameartguru.com/

    lots of tutorials on how to start making simple art.

  • so i did some tests,

    It seems that if the object is set to start on the left as its default docking location, then you try and switch it to the right side via actions it will break.

    even if you try and use the action "set dock to none" first,

    so it appears as if the action to change a docking location as an action is broken.

  • Came across an issue that I found a solution to in case anyone else was beating their head about it.

    When I export an HTML 5 version of my game and then drag the folder to my public dropbox folder (Webapp). For some reason, ONE image always seems to get uploaded outside of the images folder.

    When you try and load the index.html file, you get a red loading bar, and the console says it can't find that image.

    For some reason Dropbox is moving that image outside of the images folder (when it's clearly inside it before uploading).

    I still need to check if the desktop sync app causes this too, but it's giving me other sync issues right now.

    The solution is to simply move that image after it uploads into the images folder on the dropbox webapp. Then reload the page and you will be good to go.

  • I'll put together an example but it was when I tried to use the runtime action to set it. However I think what's happening is that since it's already docked to the left and keep size is on. That when I try to dock it to the right it gets confused or something.

    So to repro it. Set to dock to left in the properties panel with keep size on. Then on start of layout set dock to right via an action.

    The debug screen will show a x and y position value of NaN and the object disappears.

  • I've noticed with the recent versions of chrome that webGL is disabled by default now. so perhaps its running canvas 2D.

    Try making a text box with the text set to system.renderer and see what it says. My guess is that its defaulted back to canvas 2d.