jsutton's Forum Posts

  • I don't know where to post this, so just put it here.

    I'm curious if anyone has made a real-time racing game with photon.

    If so, how did you get the "peer" cars to look smooth?

    I had this built with multiplayer, but realized it wouldn't work unless the world came to the house and joined.

    I have the game running, and it works very well for the host. The peers are too choppy however, the lag makes them skip. I've tried lerp but it just lags too much to smooth out.

    I'm beginning to think I should have every person in the room relay their info (basically have everyone be their own host) and just have one person responsible for time updates. That way at least each person's car is smooth and everyone they race will have "chop".

    Ideas, or experienced input appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!


  • Per Ashley

    "You can run your own TURN server if you're willing to configure it and pay the bandwidth bills. If you have one, you can tell Multiplayer to use it with the "Add ICE server" action before connecting. Then your connection success rate should be close to 100%."

    Not to be rude, just matter of fact. Seems like it's not multiplayer lol (well it is IF you have the world drop by and join your local network.)

    Older Androids have no issue btw, but android 9 (same with Safari), is not happening. Have to admit it's rather disappointing this feature is basically depreciated.

    I'll see what I can do about a TURN server, but you all might want to stop advertising that "Multiplayer" is supported (or say, locally supported, etc.)

  • Has anyone run into the issue where Multiplayer works fine on LAN;

    but, once put on a http:// site, or for that matter Newer version of Android, the players can connect but not pass information?

    It's being blocked somewhere, just not getting any errors or feedback from chrome developer tools.

  • Things I check:

    header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");

    is in php file, the file pulls without error on a browser, and that "Allow" is not "A11ow" (For some reason notepad+ substitutes the number 1 and the letter l on occasion)

    Prolly no help, but worth checking.

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  • For example:

    On Start of layout, create text (-100,-100), set text "300 characters and newline and 300 characters"

    PROBLEM, Set text.height to text.TEXTHEIGHT renders as text.height = 10, in reality it is 100.

    If rendered on screen (0,0) for example, it works properly.

    Is there away around this other than creating on screen and moving it to the correct location?

  • Thanks for the input.

    Decided to load it all from a json via ajax. Allows for ease of writing it via a spreadsheet and a quick load on start.

    I'll just use a function to load sprite details (dps, hps, etc) on ajax complete (ie, once the player gets the base information from the server.)

    Thanks much!

  • If one uses a dictionary, are you loading it via a json? At the start of a layer? Putting (loading) the dictionary information in an separate event sheet to keep it straight?

    I may be asking obvious questions, just never have found a good way of handling this.

    About to have 100 variables, and trying to have a good solution. Gonna be programming this part in the morning.

    10 building types x 10 levels dps, same for hps...so 200.

  • This question is for those with formal programming knowledge.

    I know that it is advisable to limit the number of global variable, that said I have a question on how to handle a situation.

    I have 10 turrets, each turret can be level 1-10.

    The game is multiplayer, and loads via ajax the opponents turrets and level.

    All good so far, but a level 1 turret fires a bullet with 5 damage per second (dps). A level 10 turret fires a bullet with 100 dps.

    Each Turret has to have the dps information loaded some how.

    My question revolves around the "On Created" condition (or another if someone knows a better way).

    Possible solutions:

    1. An Event sheet that has ALL of the turret information as global variables. This works fine and have used it before.

    2. Put all of the information in the turret (or a new sprite as a placeholder and keep things "clean"). (Use instance Variables)

    Anyway, just looking for a clean way of handling this, because in reality I have 100 turrets.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Download today on Google Play! (I'm a poet, lol)

    I put the basic layout onto the store to get some feedback.

    Next I am plan on putting alliances (ie, some type of alliance wars.) and also plan on adding Tower/Bumper upgrades.

    Was thinking of using multiplayer to allow people to watch battles, and would like to have recorded video, but not sure how that works via php.

    On the feature list to get done will be PVP, just not sure as of yet what rewards etc to add for that.

    Would love feedback!!!

    Thanks in advance.


  • Holy Bat... Took 2 weeks but finally got IAP loaded via phonegap, and thank god.


    (need C2 IAP plugin installed in app)

    (thanks to jtibbles)

    "Export the project to Cordova.

    Then in the config.xml remove this line:

    <plugin name="com.mcm.plugins.androidinappbilling">

    ...Instead add this:

    <plugin name="cc.fovea.cordova.purchase" spec="~7.1.0">

    <variable name="BILLING_KEY" value="YOURBILLINGKEYHERE" />


    ...you don't need to bundle that plugin with your zip file for Phonegap Build as it already uses it.

    The problem seemed to be that Phonegap Build no longer supports the com.mcm.plugins.androidinappbilling plugin."

    Compress the folder and both config files (xml and json)

    Phonegap, UPLOAD

    Put in your key, unlock it, then for a release version...click apps on the top bar and you can build a release on that page.

    Knew this crap would be easy once figured out, but stupidly over complex.

  • Has anyone successfully published to PlayStore using IAP since XDK went away? If so, which site and would you share some insight, or the tutorial you used. I've been trying on cocoon for 2 days. Gonna head back to phonegap and try some more.

    PLEASE, and TY

  • I probably shouldn't be this blunt, but...

    After a couple years using C2, most of the programming steps are pretty simple. (at least they are easy enough to lookup in just a few minutes).

    However, this is just my opinion, the process of publishing to Google or IOS is stupidly over-complex. Partly this is the compiler, partly google can be a pain (keys, lack of flexibility, etc.), but mostly so much old info is on the web it makes things confusing.

    Once I get this walked though and right, I'll try and publish a tutorial (hopefully it will stay relevant for a few months).

  • Play.Google - Development tools - Services/API's - Licensing & in-app billing

    Your license key for this application

    Lord bless this is a mess, but that's the key to use

  • "Your Key Goes Here"

    What Key are you using? SHA-1 off google, a file name?

    This sh** is waaaay more complicated than it ought to be.


  • On thing of note, when updating the app it wants files in a none-compressed format (zip needed for first load only).