jrpaoliello's Forum Posts

  • I did like the attach. I goth the same error. I'm sure the json file is in the project.

    Is my json file in a format the C2 unsderstand?


  • Hello Newt.

    Are you talking about Ajax (request project file) like the attach ? I got the same problem.

  • My teste like the image in attach load the json file below:


    When I click on the button, I got the content below e not the json content above. What is the problem ?



    José Roberto.

  • I get from a ajax the Json bellow:

    {"nrQuestion":1,"lable":"Choose the correct country!","qtCorretas":1,"options":[{"nrOption":1,"country":"Canada","isCorrect":false},{"nrOption":2,"lable":"Brazil","isCorrect":true}]}

    How Can I make a loop in order to to put each value in objects like XML in the image attachment ?


  • I'm using Time Manager Plugin because I need a cronometer where I can make start, stop.

    It works when I export to HTML5, but when I export to androi using crosswalk It doesn't work.

    Any body know another solution that works with crosswalk ?

  • You're right.

    My ajax url was wrong. Everything works now.


  • My game need to make a ajax remote call in order to get a xml data. It works when I export do HTML5.

    But when I export to Android using crosswalk that ajax call doen't work.

    Is there any way to get a remote xml when I export to Android with crosswald ?



  • In my project I have the condition:

    System On Start Of Layout Ajax Request "http://jrpaoliello.ddns.com.br:8080/SmartShot/GetXmlTest" (tag "")

    It works when I export to HTML5 and I receive the ajax content at OnCompleted.

    But when I export to PhoneGap and try to execute that in a Android Smartphone, the ajax doesn't work.

    I tried put the information <access origin="*.*"/> at config.xml, but the android app doesn't open.

    Is there anything to do in order the ajax to work when I export to PhoneGap ?

  • Thanks PixelHero. A Function really solved the problem.

  • I have 10 (ten) sprite enemies and I have the event below:

    spriteShot On Colision with spriteEnemy -> spriteEnemy Destroy

    The problem is that I want to destroy all the enemies in my game when a I have the colision above (NOT only the enemy hit by shot).

    How can I do that ?

       Jos� Roberto.


  • I have 10 (ten) sprite enemies and I have the event below:

    spriteShot On Colision with spriteEnemy -> spriteEnemy Destroy

    The problem is that I want to destroy all the enemies in my game when a I have the colision above (NOT only the enemy hit by shot).

    How can I do that ?

       Jos� Roberto.

  • Thanks R0J0. that worked!

  • I have the XML below:

    <?xml version='1.0' ?>


         <question numberQuestion=""1"">




            <question numberQuestion=""2"">





    I want to get all the options from the question node where Its numberQuestion attribute = 2. Can I do that with a For each node?


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  • I have the XML below:

    <?xml version='1.0' ?>


         <question numberQuestion=""1"">




            <question numberQuestion=""2"">





    I want to get all the options from the question node where Its numberQuestion attribute = 2. Can I do that with a For each node ?

  • Hello,

    I have the event and action below:

    spriteShot On Colision with spritePlane -> spritePlane Destroy.

    Is there anyway to put in the action above a way to destroy not only the spritePlane, but too all the sprites that is pinned to this spritePlane ?


       Jos� Roberto.