JRouwendaal's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • My Layer bar has disappeared, although I've checked the the check box.

    How can I get the Layer bar back?

  • So I'm not the only one with this problem

    Thanks for your answer!

    Changing the preload in all my previous games/exercises will take to much time, but I'll use your solution in future games.

  • No, it's about sounds (not music), but thanks for answering.

  • My 'games' (exercises), for example http://leestrainer.nl/Leerlijn%20Rekene ... index.html, don't have sound on iPads. Who can help me?

  • Solutions can sometimes be so easy. Someone else can help you within a minute, while you're spending days on it...

    Thank you, zenow98!


    You're right. Thank you again.

  • Problem Description

    ____ On 2 Event sheets of my game the text (=events and actions) are missing ____

    Attach a Capx

    ____ http://bijleszaanstad.nl/taxi.capx ____

    Description of Capx

    ____ taxi.capx is a game for kids, with cars en earning/changing money. ____

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Just look at Event sheet 4 and 8: they look empty. While Layout 4 and Layout 8 are (correctly) using this sheets and their WAS some text before!
    • Other Event sheets do show their texts. Just sheet 4 and 8 don't.

    Observed Result

    ____ With no events and actions displayed anymore, I cannot make changes... ____

    Expected Result

    ____ I´d like to see my events and actions on sheet 4 and 8. ____

    Affected Browsers


    Operating System and Service Pack

    ____ Windows 7, all necessary service packs have been installed ____

    Construct 2 Version ID

    ____ Release 173, 64/bit ____

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  • Thanks a lot, Caiorosisca!

  • Hi there,

    I've got a problem. Maybe you van help me!

    Please take a look at this temporary link to my new (Dutch spelling) game: http://leestrainer.nl/spel/index.html

    Player 1 is the yellow fish and can be moved (8 directions) bij SWAD.

    I'd like to move Player 2 (the green fish) using the arrow keys, but when an Arrow key is pressed, the green AND the yellow fish (both fishes) are moving.

    So I've chosen to move Player 2 by the keys: IJKL. However: still both players/fishes are moving, whem someone press down an arrow key...

    I hope my explanation of the problem is clear enough.

    Thank you in advantage for any solution!

  • 8 posts