JPixelArt's Forum Posts

  • Sure, I will try again.

    I will edit this post for the containing informations

    Edit: I have 6 phases. (restaurants)

    Each restaurant currently has 4 levels. (level)

    At level 2 or 3 or 4 of each restaurant, you get a weapon. (Guns)

    At the moment, the weapons are in the same sprite, but in different animations.

    I, using a reference video to create the weapon exchange system:

    I managed to make them unlocked only when reaching the "X" LEVEL of restaurant number 1. (for now there is only 1 restaurant)

    The main problem, is that I want, for example:

    - When you have two restaurants, it will not be possible (due to the difficulty) to complete all levels of it in sequence.

    - Soon you will have to do level 1 of an restaurant and then level 1 of another restaurant.

    - The issue is that I can't store the weapons, so that with a "Q" click, it:

    . . . . . Switch from level 1 weapon of restaurant "X" to weapon 1 of restaurant "Y".

    Maybe this mechanic doesn't work very well.....

    So it would probably be better to have a mechanic like this:

    - An inventory where you equip a sequence of 4 weapons.

    And by clicking on the "Q" or "E" button you replace the weapon that was in the Number 1 Value of the equipment, by the number 2 or 4 weapon.

    What do you think, better the second idea, no?

  • Hey people.

    Does anyone know how to set up a one-handed weapon exchange system, for each hand?

    So, for example:

    By clicking "Q", change the weapons of each hand, to another weapon that will be applied in each hand.

    And the weapons will only be applied/deposited in the player's "array" or "dictionary", if you complete a certain level.

    I have a weapon swap system when completing stages, but it only works with "a specific stage"... If I put more stages with new weapons, it wouldn't work...

    I'll send the code of what I already have ready. I hope it's understandable..

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  • Sometimes, my enemies when they are created and running at the "fase" or layout, they shoot more than one time...

    Worked very nicely, love how u do it.

    thank u for sharing this content!


    Sharing the code

  • Works in a half way, better than before ( using parameters )


    How do I make the same sprite (Created multiple times) launch the same attack as the others, on its own cooldown?

    I'm really trying and I'm not succeeding.

  • Which option take off the blur of the sprite?

    I wanted to choose this option for certain sprites, and not for others.

    Idk if it is pixel rounding. sorry by mistake

  • I wish I could enable or disable the pixel rounding of one or another sprite...

    But it doesn't seem possible, does it?

  • I will study arrays :)

  • The problem was on event sheet.

    The layer of spawn was 0

    The layer of Magics are 10.


    Sorry for inconvenient, and thanks :)

  • I understood!

    Thank u

    But how do i program all these things? xD

    Its cool, but I'm still lost :P

  • I placed the spells on the top layer.

    I put z ordering at "1".

    But it remains the same...

    What can it be? ._.

    How can I send u more information?


    That should be a thunder..


    For now, I have two rooms..

    I plan to put one more room, with closed walls and a closed door, in the north.

    All rooms will be 320x180.

    I would like to make a room where you start the game. (which in the photo is the room on the right)

    I would like to make a phase change, upon entering the doorless entrance. (Second door [Right] in first image)

    I would like to make a new room template, which will be the template with the closed door, where you leave.

    I would like to make the rest of the map (1280x720) with several equal rooms, which would be the second room in the image (the room on the right)

    The second room must be procedurally generated, until it no longer fits on the 1280x720 map...

    I have no idea how to build this, could anyone help me?

    NOTE: I have an event_sheet for procedural generation. And another event sheet for the game mechanics.

    I have a layout to assemble the rooms.

    A layout to store the rooms

    A layout where the game will take place

    A "bank" layout where I have the sprites placed.


    Almost all bugs fixed :D


    Lightning magic doesn't only summon 1 time. It goes on until the end of the animation time.

    The fire magic it's always spawning on the lower right side.

    That is my setup / Event sheet

    Sorry, I forgot to say that i change some ideia of mechanic.

    I made it more simple :P