josh317's Forum Posts

  • 13 posts
  • This is a paid gig. I need a Freelance Game Developer/Designer who is very good with Construct 2 help me develop 18 adult video games for android only. I will provide all graphics, sound effects and a specific layout for you to follow. All games must be completed between three days to three weeks. There will be a flat pay rate of $50 to $450 per project.

    Must speak fluent English, must have PayPal and provide demo work to be considered for this gig.

    josh317 = skypeid

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • How can i contact you?

    josh317 = skype

  • Programming help needed --- I have the following template.

    I need minor graphic changes to the design and I also need after every three levels of gameply, I need a video to play, once the video is done playing, the game proceeds for three levels, and then place another 30 second video.

    This is a paid opportunity but you must have the following:

    Operational PayPal account

    Speak fluent English


    You must be able to complete this job within 12 days.

    Whatever the agreed-upon amount, it will be made in two or three payments. One payment at the beginning one payment when the work is halfway completed and one final payment when it is done. Minimum payment for this job will be US$100 and up,

    contact me at the following email address or on Skype at "josh317".

  • Programming help needed --- I have the following template.

    I need minor graphic changes to the design and I also need after every three levels of gameply, I need a video to play, once the video is done playing, the game proceeds for three levels, and then place another 30 second video.

    This is a paid opportunity but you must have the following:

    Operational PayPal account

    Speak fluent English


    You must be able to complete this job within 12 days.

    Whatever the agreed-upon amount, it will be made in two or three payments. One payment at the beginning one payment when the work is halfway completed and one final payment when it is done. Minimum payment for this job will be US$100 and up,

    contact me at the following email address or on Skype at "josh317".

  • Programming help needed --- I have the following template.

    I need minor graphic changes to the design and I also need after every three levels of gameply, I need a video to play, once the video is done playing, the game proceeds for three levels, and then place another 30 second video.

    This is a paid opportunity but you must have the following:

    Operational PayPal account

    Speak fluent English


    You must be able to complete this job within 12 days.

    Whatever the agreed-upon amount, it will be made in two or three payments. One payment at the beginning one payment when the work is halfway completed and one final payment when it is done. Minimum payment for this job will be US$100 and up,

    contact me at the following email address or on Skype at "josh317".

  • I need a two level demo game created. I have all the assets needed to build the game. It is a simple side scrolling shooter, I only need to complete two levels, but after the first level is played a 30 seconds commercial must play between level I and level II. . This is a paid gig --- I'm offering $75 to $125 to complete the project within five working days.

    Contact me on Skype = josh317

    email me at the following address -

  • I have a game that is complete I need to hire someone to export it to the IOS/Apple format. This is a paid gig and I'm interested in starting within the next 72 hours. You must have PayPal, you must speak English and you must have a Skype account.

    Contact me immediately at my Skype ID - josh317

    do not PM me I will not answer.

  • Paid work for two skilled developers. I need people to reskin games templates then add one video and one a web link Banner to each one of the reskin games. 99% of the work will be reskinning, maybe 1% of the work will be original content created. If you are interested please contact me on Skype only. Sorry, we cannot hire US or UK contractors at this time.

    Skype ID = Josh317

  • We are looking for a part-time freelance designer. 95% of the time there will be no layout or design work required only, coding and export to various different platforms.

    Minimum Qualifications

    Must be able to export to the following platforms: android, iOS, Facebook, Windows app store, HTML 5 or web GL.

    Fluent English

    PayPal account

    Skype account

    Please submit portfolio samples to or contact me on Skype josh317.

    Do not PM me on this message board, I will not reply. Contact me through email or Skype only.

  • Hey can u remake this game ---

    my developer has disappered

    This is a a paid project. I need help finishing a game. I need help setting up multiple levels, setting up a visible scoring system. moving from level to level , Transitions and the main menu. All the layout work is already completed ---- I also need help with setting up a score system that is visual for the player. This is a paid gig there is no design work involved just simple coding and transitions.

    Here is my contact information - My Skype user ID is Josh317. And this is my email address

  • Hey can u remake this game ---

    my developer has disappered

    This is a a paid project. I need help finishing a game. I need help setting up multiple levels, setting up a visible scoring system. moving from level to level , Transitions and the main menu. All the layout work is already completed ---- I also need help with setting up a score system that is visual for the player. This is a paid gig there is no design work involved just simple coding and transitions.

    Here is my contact information - My Skype user ID is Josh317. And this is my email address

  • Hey can u remake this game ---

    my developer has disappered

    This is a a paid project. I need help finishing a game. I need help setting up multiple levels, setting up a visible scoring system. moving from level to level , Transitions and the main menu. All the layout work is already completed ---- I also need help with setting up a score system that is visual for the player. This is a paid gig there is no design work involved just simple coding and transitions.

    Here is my contact information - My Skype user ID is Josh317. And this is my email address

  • This is a a paid project. I need help finishing a game. I need help setting up multiple levels, setting up a visible scoring system. moving from level to level , Transitions and the main menu. All the layout work is already completed ---- I also need help with setting up a score system that is visual for the player. This is a paid gig there is no design work involved just simple coding and transitions.

    Here is my contact information - My Skype user ID is Josh317. And this is my email address

  • 13 posts