> What kind of examples do you wanna see in the capx file?
> What do you mean with the rest api key? The one you insert in the plugin properties? Or the unique one the device has to make push by itself?
The plugin properties uses the app id provided by OneSignal. They also provide an api key, which they recommend be stored and used on a server instead of an app user's device. In the app, I can add tags to a user through your plugin, but if I want to send out a push from a client's device to target other users based on their tags, that request needs to include the api key on top of the app id.
Maybe the api key can be added to the plugin properties like the app id and google project # in a safe way?
As for the example capx, maybe something simple that shows how the conditions/actions/expressions are used in context of a simple app that relies on notifications. See rex's plugins and their examples for inspiration...
I think you mean the app key you can retrieve with GETID expression, which is unique for each device and neccesary to make push. You can retrieve the device id with the expression everytime you want, the plugin get it from one signal server every time the app opens and it is stored like a property inside the code safely i think.
Sorry if i don't understand you properly, my english is not that good