Johnson's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • I have tried replicating the tutorials but its still not what I want, all of them only apply the line of sight to a single instance of the enemy, and that single enemy determines the stance of all other enemies, meaning that I cant have one guy chase me without the entire pack mauling me

    Any other ideas?

  • While experimenting on a simple top down format, I noticed that Construct 2 does not have a Line of Sight Behavior like Classic, is there anyway to substitute range detection so that enemies can chase the player within, say, 300-400 pixels?

    Also, is it possible to implement it in such a way that enemies cannot see past solids, or have the ability to maneuver around corners?

  • How do you input a range of values as an expression?

    For example, in the compare instance variable condition, I would like to check for a range of values between 20 and 30

  • Unfortunately my player has durations where he is upside down, and as I just found out, setting his position a few pixels up just lodges him back in an endless loop

  • I need to know how to replace a sprite with another sprite while the player is standing on it

    Im trying to make platforms that change colour or have different collisions based on triggers. For example, a green rectangle turning into an orange circle on the trigger of a button

    One problem that comes up is that when the sprite "morphs", since the circle is bigger than the rectangle, the player gets stuck in the circle if he was standing on the rectangle

    Id also like to know if I can carry a variable across when the sprite changes, or how to set the new sprite to the same angle(some platforms may be rotated)

  • Does Classic have any HTML5 qualities?

    If not, are there any ways to convert an exe to HTML5?

  • Well thats not settling, but thanks for the pause button tips... Im improvising with primitive gravity zones but now getting the character to have his feet face the proper direction brings up a new problem

    Could you maybe take a look at this and see what you can do?

    (The circle is supposed to be the top, while the x is the bottom)

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  • Hello, Im new to Construct and Im trying to get gravity around a globe like object, something that Construct 2 makes easy with its Set Gravity Angle, while theres only the 4 directions in Classic

    Ive tried changing the angle at an offset, but it doesnt seem to be working properly, so if anyone can show me how to make a Classic version of this , I'd be really grateful

    Also, pause button...

  • 8 posts