JohnnyF's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • Is photoshop any good for making animations for a game?

    Has anyone experience in that area??

  • Maybe you could try using families/Containers for such a movement....

    alternatively you could be able to use the pin behaviour to pin your sprites to an invisible Controller sprite and move just the Controller downwards...when it reaches the bottom and gets "destroyed" you just Trigger your Actions (i.e. add a value to the score) and set the Controller sprites Location to the top again to "respawn"

  • Thanks for the reply! Your second idea was exactly what I was looking for!

    Here is how I did it:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    PS: Yeah, we actually say round-based over here in Germany... <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Maybe try this:

    add the bullet behavior to your object (which may very well be already the case)

    condition : If object on collision with black hole -> set angle toward Position of black hole (X/0.5*blackhole.width ; Y/0.5*blackhole.heigth)

    to prevent the mechanism of following the Player to kick back in you can maybe add a variable to check if the instance has collided with the black hole and well...stop this mechanism if this variable is true...

    If you want to destroy the object in the middle of the black hole you can check if the coordinates of the object match the blackhole coordinates as above.

    Can you describe the mechanism wich is used to track the Player further? (since you probably can use the same mechanism to track the middle of the black hole)

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  • Good evening!

    Im currently trying to create a round based, top down shooter.

    Ive developed a prototype to experiment around with round based movement. Using the 8direction movement I can prevent an object from moving after a certain amount of moving time. The problem I now ran into is that this method measures the time an object is moving not the distance. So when I for example try to move a little bit more carefully by tapping the arrow keys the object stops after a small distance due to the acceleration/decaleration which Counts as movement. Messing around with the values of acceleration/decceleration has not prevented this from happening.

    my current Setup:

    condition 1 (Measuring the Movement): If 8direction is moving -> add 1 to "moved"

    condition 2 (Stopping the object after a certain amount of time): If "moved" is greater/equal than 120 -> set 8direction disabled + stop 8direction + set "nomoreactionpoints" to true

    condition 3 (Starting a new round): If "nomoreactionpoints" is true + On "spacebar" pressed -> set "moved" to 0 + enable 8direction movement + toggle "nomoreactionpoints"

    I hope that it is possible to understand what I am trying to say :)

    Thanks for any help!

  • 5 posts