John Cutter's Forum Posts

  • I recently released a daily word game ( but I'm having some strange bugs related to the Load/Save feature. It then occurred to me that I'm very confused about how this feature actually *works*.

    - During the game I do a Save every time players move a letter tile

    - I also do a separate save of the current date

    - At the start of the game I compare the current date to the saved date. If they are the same then I do a Load. (If a Load exists.)

    When the game loads is it loading *everything*, including the game's code? I feel like I can make a change to the game's code but I don't see it because I'm using a Load from before I made the change. But I'm pretty sure that I've had the exact opposite happen, too. I make a change, launch the game which Loads a version from earlier in the day. But the code change shows up.


    So what exactly is getting Saved?

  • I'm going to post a quick reply for closure.

    I filed a bug report on this issue:

    Ashley closed it with this comment: "The underlying Clipboard API works in Chrome, but a known issue is currently preventing it from working in the Android WebView. I would guess when viewing in the Facebook app it is using the Android WebView instead of the real Chrome browser so is running in to that bug. I'm afraid there's nothing we can do until Google fix the issue."

    So the problem only seems to happen when someone accesses my game from the Facebook link. There are two player workarounds:

    1. Type the URL for the game directly into the browser

    2. After clicking the link, one can click the "..." at the top right corner of the Facebook browser and select "open in external browser". Then the clipboard will work.

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  • Darn, I just got another person saying that the game won't load due to Malwarebytes. Not sure if this is something that I can report like a bug or not. Does anyone know?

  • It's not clear what you're doing. Are you using the Share plugin or the Clipboard plugin?

    I am ONLY using the Clipboard object. I have at least two players, using Android phones, who are reporting that the Clipboard object only works if they type the URL for the game into a browser window. If they follow the game link on Facebook, however, the Clipboard object doesn't work. (It doesn't copy anything.)

    I filed a bug report and attached a small sample project.

  • I have been talking to one of my testers who is having trouble with the clipboard share on his Android phone. (I have created a web app only.)

    NOTE: My tester is a professional game programmer.

    He wrote:

    I am using GBoard as my keyboard. The Clipboard icon is third from the left for me, and it reports that the clipboard is empty even after clicking the "Share" button and seeing "Results copied!" below the button.

    This is interesting. If I use Chrome directly and go to, the clipboard works fine. However, the clipboard does not work if playing the game through a link to via the Facebook app.

    It looks like I can paste the clipboard contents that come from Chrome into a textbox inside the Facebook app and that works fine. So, my guess is that there is a permissions issue within the Facebook app that is blocking access to the clipboard in a Facebook app-launched browser instance.

    Is this something that needs to be (or can be) fixed in Construct 3?

  • Thanks. He's a pretty cautious person so I doubt that he will even click on that link.

    Has anyone else been getting reports about Malwarebytes? I didn't see many mentions of it when I did a search. Maybe it's not a huge problem.

  • My game is only online. Some of my Android users are saying that sharing isn't working for them. I'll check to see which browser they are using.

    For right now, I'm simply grabbing the text in a text box and copying it to memory using the clipboard object. Then users can paste it into Facebook, e-mail, or wherever. (Similar to what Wordle is doing on PC.)

  • I recently released my daily word game ( and one user is saying that when he tries to launch the game he gets this:

    He's the only one, so far, to report this problem. Any suggestions?

  • Is this a new issue? I'm seeing it in my new game, too. Normally, when I search for a problem I'm having I find messages that are often 7 or 8 YEARS old. This post is only about a week old...

    Does it matter whether web worker is on "auto" or not?

    The proposed solution may not work for me.

  • Same for me. The message is pretty cryptic. I'm not finding a lot of information about: "ES2015 support".

    Hopefully, this is just a temporary glitch?

  • I probably should have waited until Monday to post this. The game is easiest on Monday and gradually gets harder as the week goes on. Friday/Saturday/Sunday are the hardest puzzles!

    Here are some tips for play:

    1. If there are longer words in the puzzle, start with them

    2. Use the difficult letters first (i.e. "z", "x", "j", etc.)

    The goal is to use up all the hard stuff early, so that when you get to your last word you will be left with easy letters like: o p s and t. (You can make lots of words with those letters.)

  • You can try my daily word game here:

    To play, simply drag the letter tiles to form three complete words. If you have any thoughts or suggestions, please let me know!

  • Yep, this turned out to be the problem. Glad it's finally fixed. Sheesh.

    They say that it's a poor carpenter who blames his tools, but I'm very guilty of accusing Construct 3 of not working properly. I've done this multiple times over the years and it always come down to an error that *I* made. <sigh>

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  • Quick recap: My new web-based game is running on most computers and mobile devices, but two of my Beta testers reported that the game isn't running on their iPhones. (One is an SE, I'm not sure about the other one.)

    I've been extensively testing the game with my iPhone SE tester and I think I have figured out the problem -- though I have no idea why it is happening.


    Date.ToLocaleDateString(Date.Now) = 7/20/2023


    Date.ToLocaleDateString(Date.Now) = 20/7/2023

    The dates in the array are in this format: 7/20/2023. So this code may not be functioning properly:

    Basically, I'm iterating through the array looking for "7/20/2023" but I'm finding "20/7/2023". How do I make sure that ALL phones are using the correct date format?

    NOTE: Hmm. Looking at my message above the problem seems sort of obvious. I am using "locale" date string. I tried using "date string" but that didn't seem to be working the way I thought. Guess I need to try it again.