My web-based game isn't running on *some* iPhones... (SOLVED!)

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  • I'm getting ready to launch a daily word game. I have tested it on a PC, several iPhones, and a couple of iPads. The game runs flawlessly on all of these.

    Here's the link:

    I did a kind of Alpha test on Sunday and had 5 people try my game. Two of them reported that it isn't running on their iPhones. (One is an SE... not sure about the other one.)

    I just spent two days re-doing a bunch of my events. Unfortunately, it's still not working. I had one of the testers clear his cache and it still isn't working on either Chrome or Safari. :-(

  • I think the iPhones in question are stopping somewhere during Initialization. Can anyone see issues with my events?

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  • you are not catching the case where there is no my_date item in the local storage.

    So without that the initialization will never start as the initialization event group stays disabled

  • I'm willing to try anything, but one of the testers said he saw the help screen and "PLAY" button. Also, the help screen had the correct version number and date.

    If there was no dictionary file then those events should not have run.

  • I sent some instructions to my iPhone SE tester:

    In Chrome on your iPad or iPhone, go to chrome://inspect and then press Start Logging.

    Now go do your thing in another tab, keeping this tab open.

    Come back anytime to see any and all console outputs!

    Here's the message he saw: (my game doesn't have any sound or music)

    LOG[Construct] Resuming

    INFOFailed to fetch Opus decoder WASM; assuming project has no Opus audio. Error: fetch '' response returned 404 Not Found

    INFOMade with Construct, the game and app creator ::

    INFO[C3 runtime] Hosted in DOM, rendering with WebGL 2 [Apple GPU] (standard compositing)

    INFORegistered service worker on

    LOG[Construct] Suspending

  • In the output message I posted above, most of the lines start with "INFO". Does that mean that they are only informational and wouldn't actually stop the program from running? (Including the line about opus and the 404 error?)

  • Quick recap: My new web-based game is running on most computers and mobile devices, but two of my Beta testers reported that the game isn't running on their iPhones. (One is an SE, I'm not sure about the other one.)

    I've been extensively testing the game with my iPhone SE tester and I think I have figured out the problem -- though I have no idea why it is happening.


    Date.ToLocaleDateString(Date.Now) = 7/20/2023


    Date.ToLocaleDateString(Date.Now) = 20/7/2023

    The dates in the array are in this format: 7/20/2023. So this code may not be functioning properly:

    Basically, I'm iterating through the array looking for "7/20/2023" but I'm finding "20/7/2023". How do I make sure that ALL phones are using the correct date format?

    NOTE: Hmm. Looking at my message above the problem seems sort of obvious. I am using "locale" date string. I tried using "date string" but that didn't seem to be working the way I thought. Guess I need to try it again.

  • Yep, this turned out to be the problem. Glad it's finally fixed. Sheesh.

    They say that it's a poor carpenter who blames his tools, but I'm very guilty of accusing Construct 3 of not working properly. I've done this multiple times over the years and it always come down to an error that *I* made. <sigh>

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