jobel's Forum Posts

  • I'm making an auto hide mouse pointer feature. It works great for the system mouse however when I switch to my sprite mouse pointer it won't work.

    "Set Cursor to None" doesn't seem to work when you have a sprite mouse pointer.

    So I have to first "Set Cursor to Normal", then "Set Cursor to None", however this won't work if done in the same tick. It will work if I put a Wait 0.1 between the actions, but you see it change back to the system mouse which is undesirable. If I set it Wait 0.01 then apparently that is too fast and it won't work.

    So how do I hide the Sprite Mouse pointer?

    I also tried making the sprite visible/invisible - doesn't work, and I tried setting the pointer to an empty sprite, it just put a black square where the mouse is.

  • DiegoM that works! I found tutorials on basic usage but not so much on using it dynamically, so thanks so much for that!

  • DiegoM ah yes, I changed the position of the first keyframe, that fixed it. But now I did something and it won't run at all when run the game - but it does run in the Timeline editor!

    see here:

    Yeah its a bit awkward knowing what to move when. I like how the properties fields turn yellow showing you are "affecting" keyframes.

    I still haven't figure out how to make an object with Create/Spawn Object and set it to the position of the beginning of the Timeline, then have the Timeline animate it. right now I am just guessing.

    Another awkward thing is how you sometimes start to edit a Timeline and the object shows to be somewhere in the middle of its animation, but you can't forward or step through the animation, its just stuck there, placing the red bar does nothing. I would expect it to show where it is in the timeline as you move the red line.

    One other strange thing... (sorry!) is how the first keyframe is only a half circle... very hard to hit with the mouse!

  • Diego I'm dynamically creating a sprite to be used in a Timeline. I used the "tag" and Set instance, however the sprite does the timeline animation but from a location about 32 pixels to the left of where it spawns? always. I don't know to make it start in the correct location. Any idea what I am doing wrong? The whole timeline animation is moved over to this strange starting location.

  • when you say you can reproduce it, do you mean you can consistently make it happen? I can't.

    There are times it happens to me 4 times in a row. My record (yes I've gamified it) is 6 in a row but that only happened once. Can anyone beat that? ;-)

  • The doc says to swipe in the Animation Editor. but all I get is the Animation Window on the right. I can't pick any color or see the frames.


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  • The entire architecture of multiplayer games would need to somehow be simplified in order for a meaningful number of Construct users to start using it.

    But this does look promising. Maybe with it being a more reliable communication protocol it may become more popular and stimulate some easy-to-use frameworks.

  • how do I notify someone with a space in their username? I searched this thread and found a very old post saying to put '_' underscore as the space but that does not work. I also tried the user #, putting name in quotes, a dash etc.. but none of it works.

    how is it done?

  • Rilem that is good to note for support. But as it wasn't my personal issue, it was someone who was remotely testing my game, that was the controller they were using and none of the buttons worked.

    (sorry have no idea how to tag Headbang Games) that's a great idea. I just realize I need to save this config for the next play separate from saving the game. I haven't done too much with save stuff other than a full game save, any suggestions?

  • I assume someone has written a construct program to remap a controller.

    I had someone test a game using a 8BitDo SN30 Pro. And when they hit "X", Construct heard it as the 'R' key which is quite puzzling.

    I assume I have to listen for button indexes and then save them as variables, then use those variables for the indexes?


  • the link is fine now... must have been down or something.

    I would note maybe in your doc that when ResHack changes the icon you don't see the change until...actually I'm not sure, maybe reboot or you copy the file over? Normal F5 Refresh doesn't work. And it will not show the changed icon when it in fact HAS been changed.

  • ah okay I understand now. So the best practice is to use ResHack still?

    When I use ResHack it makes a back up of the original exe. But the new exe is a different file size, so I have no idea what its doing.

    also your link to ResHack in the OP is broken.

  • I'm referring to this message in the 'Features' "HOW TO: SET YOUR OWN APPLICATION ICON" section.

    I assume I am using the most recent version no? Or does this not apply to C3?

  • TheRealDannyyy good to know... I didn't realize this was a known issue. thanks.

  • I use C3 stable to build NWjs updates. But the main .exe always has the default NW application icon. It never uses my "icon-128.png" in the project file. Where do I make it switch over?

    Also I know nothing of what version of NWjs, I just hit Export, am I supposed to manually update it or is C3 Stable synced with the latest NWjs?