R0J0hound I'm trying to use the angle as the last lerp parameter, so that when the rotation makes a smaller angle the last parameter will change... the only probably is the angle gets smaller. I need that number to go up to make an easing-in effect. any ideas?
I could just make a variable I supposed and add dt to it, but it seems like I would want to relate it to the difference in angle..
spriteA angle: 180
spriteB angle: 0
rotating sprite A:
anglelerp(spriteA.angle,spriteB.angle,0.05) - creates a nice easing out effect, but the start is too abrupt.
instead I'm trying:
anglelerp(spriteA.angle,spriteB.angle,angle(spriteA,spriteB) / 10000) //works similar unless I can figure out how to get the last number to go up instead of down.
feels like I should add 180 or something to it... since my greatest angle would be 180? (which I would want to be 0.001) and my closest angle would be 0 (which I'd want to be 0.05).. but so far it's not working.. any suggestions?
EDIT: I was saying anglediff but I just meant angle()