jobel's Forum Posts

  • fremachuca no the problem still exists.. I don't think anyone is working on it. I don't think "the powers that be" totally understand why it's necessary. I've stopped pursuing the issue since I view it as a limitation. The browser based audio lib was never meant to have multitrack capabilities - not that it can't, it just wasn't configured that way.

    eli0s you don't have any sync problems because you are loading the music fully into memory. Try streaming it and by the 3rd loop it will be totally out of sync.

  • Kyatric thanks, that helps.. all I'm trying to achieve is a short delay before displaying an achievement. When my player collects items I have sfx and particle fx... when the player collects a rare and special item I want to display an achievement banner but I don't want it to interfere with the normal effects of picking up an item...hence the delay. Conceivably, a player could pick up two specials consecutively which I'd want to account for...

    I messed around with making the object invisible (OnCollision) and shutting off collisions then destroying it later, but that feels a tad messy...

    the lifo approach seems like overkill but it may be the best option...thanks!

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  • I have a related question Kyatric

    if you use a Wait in a function and call the function with a param, does it asses the param source after the wait?


    Player OnCollision with Item

    Call Function ShowItemAchievement(Item.text)

    delete Item

    Function ShowItemAchievement

    Wait 1

    Set DisplayText to Function.Param(0)

    My code always shows the item text as 0 even though I am passing it string. My guess is the Param reference doesn't happen until after the Wait and since it has been destroyed it takes empty memory which is zeroed out. Can you confirm this?

    Maybe I need it to hold the param in memory.. I could probably use a local variable in the Function, but not sure how that would respond if I had 2 Item Collisions in a row (would it stack up? or overwrite the local variable?)

    • Post link icon

    +1 to this.. I plan to release on Steam next year as well...

    as far as I know NW 10.5 works with the current greenworks plugin.. can someone confirm this?

    also as far as I know every C2 game on Steam is using NW 10.5

  • awesome job on the videos.. I know how much work that is! great to finally see the game in action..

    I can't believe you only had 200 objects on that screen and your MEM was only 150! I'm used to my unbound layout which can be a bear..

    keep it coming..

  • great suggestion fisholith

    although this assumes your shield is circular right? if you had oblong shields (like in star trek) you'd probably need to do some sort of animation frame swapping..

  • unless your only condition is Trigger Once, but then it triggers right away...without a condition

    or the only other way is that your condition can never be untrue, and then true again...

  • ah right.. yes.. so I guess in the case of a true Trigger ONLY Once, you have to set it up yourself?

  • hey all,

    Trying to trigger a Once While True only the first time something happens, and then never again for that layout.

    Other than setting a flag variable is there a better way to do this?

    PlayerHealth < 10

    NoAudioIsPlaying = true

    Trigger Once While True

    ----------------PlayAudio "Blue wizard is about to die.."

    Since the NoAudioIsPlaying variable changes throughout the layout the only way I see to make this happen once is to make yet another variable "PlayOnce"

    PlayerHealth < 10

    NoAudioIsPlaying = true

    PlayOnce = 0

    Trigger Once While True

    ----------------PlayAudio "Blue wizard is about to die.."

    ----------------PlayOnce set to 1

    I only ask because I have a whole mess of these conditions (and I'd have to create a unique flag for each) that I only want to happen once in a layout.. was wondering if there was a cleaner way...


  • Hey all I'm showing my C2 game "Alpha One" at the 2015 BFIG this saturday (9/12).

    I know there's not that many New Englanders here, but if so, come visit! it's at MIT in Cambridge, MA 10am-4pm

  • Thanks R0J0hound I'll check it out! (I very much appreciate the help!)

  • okay, update..

    I was able to make it better, but it's still not quite right.. it's definitely better.. but there must be a real way to do it.

    Every Tick Set Pointer.angle_diff_to_x to anglediff(Self.Angle,angle(self.X,self.Y,PointToThis.X,PointToThis.Y))

    T=min(abs(self.anglediff_to_x - 180) * (0.02/180),1)

    Pointer Set Angle: anglelerp(self.Angle,angle(self.X,self.Y,PointToThis.X,PointToThis.Y),T)

    This is nightmarish.. I'm spending days and days just trying to get the movement right... ready to scrap it a design a different movement...

  • updated capx

    once the "X" leaves the dotted circle, the blue pointer jumps(rotates) too fast toward the X, would love to figure a way for the pointer to: ease into the rotation, increase speed midway, then near the end, slow down...

  • R0J0hound I'm trying to use the angle as the last lerp parameter, so that when the rotation makes a smaller angle the last parameter will change... the only probably is the angle gets smaller. I need that number to go up to make an easing-in effect. any ideas?

    I could just make a variable I supposed and add dt to it, but it seems like I would want to relate it to the difference in angle..


    spriteA angle: 180

    spriteB angle: 0

    rotating sprite A:

    anglelerp(spriteA.angle,spriteB.angle,0.05) - creates a nice easing out effect, but the start is too abrupt.

    instead I'm trying:

    anglelerp(spriteA.angle,spriteB.angle,angle(spriteA,spriteB) / 10000) //works similar unless I can figure out how to get the last number to go up instead of down.

    feels like I should add 180 or something to it... since my greatest angle would be 180? (which I would want to be 0.001) and my closest angle would be 0 (which I'd want to be 0.05).. but so far it's not working.. any suggestions?

    EDIT: I was saying anglediff but I just meant angle()

  • hey man, looks great! congrats on the steam release and positive reviews! I'll be buying a copy!