Jmsdosk8's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • Hello guys.

    I export my project and discovered a problem.

    Every time I use the option of the exporter "Minify Script (recommended)"

    Some things in my project, stop working.

    The application opens normally. More after this open, I think that the events "Every tick" or events that are executed after the "Start of Layout" some stop working!

    When I do not use the option "minify script" in construct 2!

    I export my project, and it works perfectly!

    I minify my script manually with "YUI Compressor" of Yahoo!

    And also my projetct worked perfectly!

    I believe there is a problem in the script construct minify!


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  • Hello, I am having trouble using events that uses expressions to get "Sprite.ImageHeight" or "Sprite.ImageWidth" this expression is returning to the width or height of the original image, and not the size that it is on screen.

    For Example, my project have 25+ sprites, I'm using events that change the sprite size, when I use an expression "Sprite.ImageHeight" or "Sprite.ImageWidth" some other event!, it returns the original value of the image! And not the size that this sprite on the screen!

    I am using Construct 2 Release 60 (32-bit)

  • Ohhhh, nice exemple

  • hum Ashley,

    but add these functions, so let the construct with more options.

    some additional options (optional) is always good.

    Still I thank.

    wow, have FormBorderStyle None and I do not know! O.o ! Thank you very much

    and how the system of plugin on Construct?

  • Well, about half of them you can do with the window options in Application Properties... did you know that?

    Yes Ashley, i know, but, no have

    FormBorderStyle None,


    and Opacity's for window,

    FormBorderStyle None is perfect for opening of applications with logo,

    and Opacity's is cool for the disigner of windows!!!

    FixedToolWindow is perfect for small applications.

    It would be possible to place it in the construct?

    I can achieve the scripts in C + + for this type of function!

    Thanks Ashley .

  • is Clark, sorry xD

  • Contruct needs more Window Properties

    Yeah been to construct perfect!!!

    Look at some examples of Visual Basic that could have on Construct:

    Examples FormBorderStyle:


    <img src="">


    <img src="">


    <img src="">


    <img src="">


    <img src="">


    <img src="">


    <img src="">


    <img src="">


    <img src="">

    If the developers of construct put this in construct I stop using Visual Basic definitely ^^

    Please Rich,Clark and Ashley...

    put this functions on construct pl00x


  • What is the CAP's slider to post here again?

  • Re-upload, pliss?

    Link OFF = (

    thanks, i need much this slider...

  • Good Job xD

  • 10 posts