This seems basic to me, but I haven't been able to find the answer in the manual, tutorials, or forum, so here goes.
I am doing my own version of the "ghost shooter" game from the beginner tutorial. I would like to have multiple types of enemy, each with their own health pool (some higher, some lower).
I want to take advantage of families so that I don't have to re-create the events dealing with enemy collisions or enemy death. However, on collision with the good guy's weapon, I need to decrease the particular enemy's health by one.
So, I could use instance variables specific to each enemy, but then I can't access it through the family. I could set a family instance variable and let it be inherited by the objects in the family, however that would effectively set them all to the same health.
What I'm looking for is a way to drill down to the particular object instance within a family that triggered the event and access its instance variables. Any ideas?