Jinks's Forum Posts

  • 3 posts
  • I remembered an old rapid prototyping challenge for a game revolving around shadows. I would like to have a character that has to move from point A to point B in a level, while staying in the shadows cast by level design blocks and one or more moving lights. He takes damage while out of the shadows.

  • Is there any way of detecting that a sprite is intersecting with the shadow cast by another sprite?

    The only way I can think of is to check the colors at future sprite position with some detectors.

    Anyone has a better idea? Thanks.

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  • Hello, I'm a game designer by trade and I was looking for a rapid prototyping tool and found Construct, which is awesome by the way. I worked with Multimedia Fusion for a while, so the concepts are familiar to me, but Construct is already better than MF, and I love it in spite of its small flaws >_<

  • 3 posts