Jimmy52905's Forum Posts

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  • So I've been working on a project in CC for a while and so far everything seems to work fine on my end whenever I test it. However, I've sent the .exe to my friend CrispyYoshi (also a CC user) for some feedback, but he's apparently experiencing some pretty bad flickering while I'm not.

    youtu.be/Wf0DhPvhl8E Video that I made, showing how it's supposed to look.

    youtube.com/watch Video that my friend made, showing the flickering bug.

    This is most likely due to some graphics card incompatibility but I'd really like to know what could be causing this to happen. I have no idea if this is some sort of obscure bug or if this is something I should be worried about, but it's bugging the hell out of me.

    I don't think the flickering started until I started adding several canvas objects to my layout, so this is leading me to believe that having too many canvas objects on the screen at once is causing this to happen. I'm not entirely sure though, so I'm wondering if someone could confirm this. Since my game is displaying everything at 2x resolution I need about 7 different canvas objects to display everything (I've heard that the zoom feature is terribly inefficient so I'm trying to avoid using that.)

    Also, my hardware specs if that matters:

    Processor: Intel(R) Core i3 CPU M370 2.40 GHz

    RAM: 4 GB

    System Type: 64-bit os

    Intel Graphics

    CrispyYoshi's specs: notebookreview.com/default.asp

  • I instead use a sprite with all the letters of the alphabet and set the animation frame for each letter. Coding word wrap was annoying, but it works brilliantly now.

    Wouldn't that require having to make copies of the same sprite for each of the letters? I've actually had an idea similar to that, but it sounds like it'd be both annoying and inefficient as well considering that there'd be a lot of small sprites in the layout at once (though I'm not sure if SpriteFont is particularly efficient either). I think what would really be ideal is if there was a way I could use one big sprite that contains an image of all the words in the text, and then some sort of way to dynamically modify the image by inserting images of each of the characters inside it. Does such a thing exist? Perhaps in the form of a plugin or one of Construct's built-in functions?

  • I might be misunderstanding what you're saying, but using the or condition is not a solution as it can cause crashes, so keep on not using it.

    Are you using transitions? If so, don't.

    Whoops, I mistyped that; I meant to say that or conditions were a problem, not a solution. And no, I'm not using transitions.

    Also, check if removing the spritefont plugin fixes it for some reason.

    Actually, I checked just now and it seems that the problem is in fact with the spritefont plugin. The weird thing though is that the problem didn't even occur until I had added another layout. I actually managed to fix the crash (somehow.. still not quite sure what I did to fix it), but now there are some pretty strange bugs with the spritefont plugin. Like, some of the text sometimes doesn't even show up in the original layout. But as I said, it worked perfectly fine before I added another layout. (I didn't even touch my original layout either when adding it) What's even weirder than that is that if I run my original layout on its own, it still bugs up a bit, as if simply having more than one layout suddenly causes problems. Removing the layout seems to fix the problem too.

    Any ideas? I'm not using any global objects by the way.

  • So it seems that most of the time whenever I try to change layouts in the event editor, I get some sort of crash. So far, this is the second time this has happened to me. The first time that it happened, I had actually gotten layout switching to work initially. Then after a bit of added new code here and there (not even touching the layout switching code btw), it suddenly crashes. I could not for the life of me figure out what was causing it, so I tried manually reverting my project back to a state when it did work by deleting all the new code I had added, which ended up working. Luckily I didn't have to remove much, and everything worked fine after that, but I was still never able to isolate what was actually causing it.

    This time however, it's crashed right after I added the "go to layout" event for the first time. But the weird part about this is that even though it crashes most of the time, it will occasionally work. I've tried debugging it and it's telling me the crash is caused by the SpriteFont plugin that I'm using, though I have no idea why that's even the problem.

    I've looked around the forums a lot, and it seems that a lot of other people are having trouble with layout switching as well. Though the problem usually ends up being something like having an OR condition run during layout switching, or using transitions. I am doing neither of those. At this point I'm pretty much convinced that this is some bug within CC itself, and not due to poor coding on my part. But I need to know if there's any way to fix/prevent this from happening, since the game I'm working on is going to need a lot of layouts. So just simply avoiding layout switching entirely is out of the question.

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  • Okay, so I'm trying to implement an option for my game that allows the player to toggle full screen by pressing F4. The way I'm doing this is by using a SysInfo object to get the size of the screen and store it to the display size. It works, but the problem is that it somehow makes my game laggy as hell. I haven't even gotten to resizing the screen yet; it lags from the larger display size alone. I'm also using a Canvas to draw things to the screen. I set every single object in the layout as invisible so that only the parts that overlap the canvas get displayed, so it's not like the game is trying to render more than it has to; everything outside of the canvas is completely invisible.

    So I ask, what could be causing the lag, and how could I fix it? The game runs pretty much fine outside of full screen mode by the way.

  • 5 posts